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  1. how about i dont care what you think because some people do appreciate this.
  2. toys? Dont know what you guys problem is. Just jealous of the style.
  3. Hello all. Just wanted to show you more of whats down here in Austin. This is some stuff from a crew named OCT :. C/S (Octopus :. Con Safos) The crew is smaller and consists of the writers MATH, Devious, Dead Baby Head, RLFK, Loki, resorektzo, quiaxylnary, Elixir, Resist. I feel that this crew is unique to Austin because they have such a diverse group of artists. What i will be posting doesnt have much of the writers listed but i will be posting more of them later on once i obtain more pictures. http://www.geocities.com/modestmouser03/RLFKOCT.jpg RLFK http://www.geocities.com/modestmouser03/RLFK.jpg RLFK http://www.geocities.com/modestmouser03/MVC-001F.JPG Wierd OCT :. C/S piece http://www.geocities.com/modestmouser03/MVC-004F.JPG http://www.geocities.com/modestmouser03/MVC-006F.JPG http://www.geocities.com/modestmouser03/MVC-009F.JPG "Freedom" by Loki http://www.geocities.com/modestmouser03/MVC-009S.JPG http://www.geocities.com/modestmouser03/MVC-021F.JPG Devious and Reserektzo I dont have many MATH photo's so if anyone has them they should add them to this thread. p/
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