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  1. thats a little thing called PERSPECTIVE, dillhole
  2. its been done before...check honet (wufcsdk) site at hnteurope.free.fr for more ridicilous spots in russia, palestine etc.
  3. Been looking around the forum, cant really find anything about this. What are youre favorite ways to make rollerpieces? Long rollersticks, hanging over the edge, brushes/rollers. What do you use for outlines, size, type of emulsion. Some nice or original use of techniques and maybe examples of your or other peoples work to illustrate??? Funny stories, do and donts? Whats the 101 on rollerpiecing? I myyself prefer to use long extendible rollerstick (up to 10 metres) latex emulsion, furroller for the filling, wait some time and outline with acrylic latex (fastdrying and covers in 1 time) Also this doesnt reliquify the previous paintlayer. Tryed hanging over a couple of times, just gives me muscle ace for a week. Maybe i need to work on my sixpack...
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