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  1. poop


    the coop is always a grade A time
  2. "if the earth is spinning how come i am not dizzy"
  3. i just got the pictures off my fone without even getting off my ass so sorry if some is half assed 1. the entrance to your fav. hang out spot. 2. a bad bad haircut not really "bad bad" but i thought it was appropriate 4. perveract 6. long white tees 7. something dirty sorry its a room and not somthing sexual 9. "death" dead skin? 11. "work in progress" some old "work in progress" 14. "red" bad picture of flaming red hair 15. shoes of a friend. drunk shoes
  4. i got bit in the face, twice, on two seperate occasions.
  5. i killed someone because they honked at me
  6. poop


    shit looks like the rainforest
  7. listening to my 60 plus year old neighbor who is inside her own house 50 feet away from me singing opera... the same note over and over and over again... i thought that was the type of shit only seen on tv...
  8. people who are different
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