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yinz n'at

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Everything posted by yinz n'at

  1. fuck yeah haha! pink bianchi, that one flick is mine and i i think you know the kid standing there
  2. yall lames need to shut up forreal <3 yirpyirp
  3. please sir... post some more!
  5. eastsyde.... its spelled EAST END just so you know.
  6. i got 200 flicks im sitting on cause i dont know if people should see them.... all street shit but none of yinz are as cool as @bobmayo which is sayin sumpin
  7. ordered some pad thai... spice level 7
  8. oh man... im sorry guys im gonna let him in... use the cap from this.... #spraysfuckinghuge
  9. hehe #youcanfindrustofatsinthedelisectionofisalysmrgrilledcheese
  10. #pinkbianchismomhasanautorackepiclulz
  11. man its nuts to hear people from out west talking about not wanting to leave the house because i have felt that way for most of the winter and today it cracked 60 and im about to walk around like im at the beach... i got some flicks im gonna post up later as soon as photobucket is done being a bitchmade asshole.
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