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10 Dollar Blowjobs

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Everything posted by 10 Dollar Blowjobs

  1. i wake up at 12 in the afternoon almost religiously
  2. exactly, a picture of the bed with her not on it would prove this story she looks cute though, i would have smashed
  3. i havent taken a math class in years, haha. i can barely add and subtract in my head, and i use a fucking calculator my multiplication and division. i got my math skills from selling weed back in high school, carefully calculating each ounce and its potentional profit
  4. i cant even remember high school, but if you cant cope with something as easy as that you will never succeed in a real job, unless you become a truck driver or someother low brain usage manual labor job.
  5. i remember kids would fight over CS at the internet cafes. it would be lke `FUCK YOU NIGGA YOU CAMPIN!`. `WHAT COMPUTER YOU AT NIGGA FUCK YOU!` `COMPUTER 13 BITCH NIGGA I FUCK YOU UP!` proceed to outside where girlfight would take place
  6. wow your bitching about high school??? you sound like a lazy bitch. high school for me was a breeze, blunts everyday, doing graffiti, fucking girls, parties every weekend. then again the san francisco public school education system wasnt what i would say `strict` but i got through it just fine. wait until you have a real job that you have to go to everyday and spend 8 hours in that bitch, you will be dieing for school again, where the girls wear cute tight jeans and their thongs popout. that was my favorite part of high school.
  7. HA, we will finannce anyone! mexicans, koreans, garbage pail kids, hipsters, dead burnt lesbians! GET OUT YOUR FUCKING CHECKBOOK!!
  8. wow thats amazing. craigslist erotic section for the win!
  9. :lol: just mde me spit out my beer jade is a G, china beach gangbangin!
  10. cakes mom definatley isnt cookin no birthday cake! shes too busy hookin on market street! cake is a punk in my book bcause he talks alot of shit and definately doesnt backit up. hes been confronted by almost every person he hacks out, and doesnt wanna see anybody
  11. ive lost my virginity many times at the power exchange (no homo)
  12. how can i properly dispose of my dead girls body if i dont have a stable full of pigs?
  13. disclaimer; the retards who post on this site do not represent in any way shape or form real cats from the tigerloin. slip sounds like a 13 year old graff groupie, change your name hoe my boy from HS already wrote SLIP FT mob. he was a toy and hes probably in jail now so he wont do anything but seriously, change your fucking name.
  14. its because, they are fucking NIGRAHS ive had many a young little black kid mouth of at me. litle fucking monkeys. i have a few black friends, grew up in the hood, blah blah blah. i used to smoke with hoodrats and i look back on it now like, what the fuck? some kid got shot the other week by some monkeys. they dont know how to fight anymore, its all guns guns guns
  15. ofer, deen, duckster, sibl, sekt, and probably deface or face on the top, where is this might i ask?
  16. Re: THERE IS HOPE FOR YOU POT HEADS.. see if i was high, i would look in the mirror and say. "wow you are a fucking stereotypical retard, look at my stupid hair" i cant stand fuckballs who become rastas and smoke weed all the time. get a fuckin life!
  17. Re: THERE IS HOPE FOR YOU POT HEADS.. you sound like all the black people in my drug awareness meetings back in the day. always arriving stoned, talking about weed and how much they love it. weed is overrated and a waste of money. i have no problem with a blunt once and a while, but people who smoke 3-4 times a day are depressing and boring to hang out with. i prefer to stick with my kind.....alcoholics!:lol:
  18. Re: Don't Call it Frisco trees is a little fatty arbuckle good bomber though
  19. dont hate on pretty shit, your just mad you cant paint! bump for BN though, and the rest of ogjc, rasta, my good old friend silk:lol:
  20. Re: Don't Call it Frisco gator done raped that buildin
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