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Everything posted by HardyHarHar

  1. Hey. Not me, you fat internet geeks. Strictly hypothetically speaking. Do you think you could pull it off to be a politician? What would be the most trouble for you?
  2. Maybe it's that all the horses have their legs out as if they were jumping over a hedge. But, also, he's just a bad painter and copying from some other painting.
  3. You know you wanted that A. I guess you'll have to settle for a B+ with benefits.
  4. lol. "I think if we have learned anything here today" hilarious.
  5. Can we have someone fill in as a surrogate Jerry Springer and do the signing off message of the day thingie. I think the hour is up, it's time to watch reruns of Doogie Howser.
  6. Ooooooooooooooh No he didn't JERRY JERRY JERRY
  7. Yeah, it wouldn't have been a big deal otherwise. Whatever, you should definetly stop scheming about it, and just tell your friend up front. And then buy him a drink, and do something really embarrassing, like pee on your carpet, so that instead of being angry with you, he will just stop respecting you and try to avoid you.
  8. Good question. Spike the apple juice I suppose. Or take shots with the clown before the show in the bathroom.
  9. Okay, if you're not going to fill us in on the juicy details, I'm just going to stop caring, okay?
  10. I'm a little bit confused. I thought they were dating. So what happened here now. Please explain in great detail so that I - and my fellow 120zers - can see the "big picture."
  11. Yo, that dude in the background is drinking part of your head-piece.
  12. I agree with Kimball. Also, details. Who here doesn't want more details?
  13. Right. Actually, her post would have worked and made sense with the one sentence. "You're a jerk." Haha. How come you're getting such a big head now? If I was you, I'd keep my head down and prepare for the beatdown.
  14. I go to trivia night at a bar. This will be good training.
  15. Yeah. I don't think I could ever get down like that. First, it means maybe losing a friend. Also, I think the whole time I'd feel that friend's presence, like in that Chappelle Show episode. Also, I think if I didn't tell my friend, when I hung out with him, I'd either act like a straight bitch, or like some uber-superior dickhead. Take that shit straight to Ricki Lake.
  16. Haha. Okay dude. "Say, Timmy. Do you like gladiator movies?"
  17. Hrmmm. I'd put even money on Titanic. Not that I'm a gambling man. But, maybe it's one of them WWII battles.
  18. There is of course a third option, that could help boost your bruised (and rugged) ego. Maybe she was using your friend to get close to you. Holding out for you, all the while leading him along. Whatever.
  19. Whatever, I don't want to get into a retarded internet fight about you fucking your best friend's girl. My advice to you is to tell your friend. Take your licks. Keep us posted.
  20. What's so great about raw fish? Also, Seal is married to Heidi Klum.
  21. Fuck you, stupid-for-brains, A.) I'm not the one who took the virginity from my best friends girl. B.) What's so bad about a vagina in between your legs C.) The answer is probably that she used you to break up with your best friend. Deal with it. Srry.
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