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Everything posted by dusetwo

  1. big ups to cnue whatt what this piece is now under this one below..sorry sorry about the connector quality, the S and E area bit distorted went big on this this shit is about 5 ft tall, theres a can in the bottom right of the connector for referance ive been gone a long time
  2. gettin a scanner soon or just flicken all my shit so ill be on here again soon
  3. ive had my run ins with the law but thats not the deal its summer im chillin away from the computer and i have no scanner
  4. not a great idea to plan this right on the forum especially with all the heat in boston latley
  5. dusetwo


    color looks shitty because its over a random scratch page
  6. full page from the lil black book
  7. some imput by the way i hate the fiill.... the blue in it is imposable to see in real life, so i added that orange shit its been a slow day sorry
  8. either way it looks sick that style is just soooooo fuckin ill
  9. alert im gonnna rob you one day and make off with your style nah for real though freshhh
  10. dusetwo


    bump this entire post yo fresh as fuckin hell
  11. eh i wouldnt call most euro letters unique as much as call them lacking proportion structure flow etc. like i said i respect the scene there but some of those dudes letters just dont do it for me maybe just too unique i dunno
  12. not to mention of all the people on this page anroe has his shit down can control structure spots so ya if you wanna call that a waste go for it
  13. yo freak that shit at the bottom right is freshhhhhhhhhhhhhh and bottom line is i dont like most euro style, call me old fashion but i like letters with that shit what is it again.... oh yehhhh flow! nah but for real i can respect em there doin big things over their right now not to mention bates and folks straight up burn like fuckin stickin your hand in a toaster
  14. dont get me wrong euro folks are killin it, but that odd almost lazy style the have im not a fan of a good amount of the pieces they do i feel like have really bad structure
  15. exactly my sitiuation in fact my mom just picked up like 6 canvases for my broke ass my mom even bailed me out of jail at like 4 in the fuckin morning and she lives a good hour or so away from the pig station i was at and my apartment was a good 45 minuets away from that hell hole. moms are the shit
  16. duh da dahhh dah duh duhh duhh dada duh my jam crackas ok im done litterin up the thread
  17. elevator music yo all i listen to bitches
  18. i just find it ironic that your informing him of this via message board
  19. blame the nazi party fuck what other people ave said before that s is nice
  20. trust me man if you "can do simples just fine" then that wild style disaster above wouldn't look like i puked up spaghetti and tape worms. sorry if that sounds mean as hell but seriously to say "im not gonna do simples because their boring" is ignorant as fuck, simples are the foundation, the gateway to not sucking massively. to put it bluntly Simple is the opposite of complicated and complicated is to complicated for you right now so do simple and another and another and another and another untill you get ocular hemorrhaging
  21. either way ticklemypickle whatever the fuck your name is cnue bombs his ass off puts in work and has develpoded a damn good style so ya need watch what ya say
  22. sorry about that first post friends account was still logged in new character
  23. its weird man, you got some fresh letters hidin in there, but i dunno just basics are lacking placement, proportion etc. practice shit simple as possable to work on gettin the basics down then start throwin conections and shit
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