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Everything posted by dusetwo

  1. here ya go bouncing some self biting in this... i hate k's
  2. yeh gesso is usualy used on canvases for that same reason, but for the most part in a hat it keeps the paint from soaking into the fabric, keeps it opaque yeh man i dont know why we havnt done an exchange yet, ill start yours today
  3. heres what i did get yourself some gesso, you can find it at any art/crafts store. Put a coat of that down let it dry then use paint markers over it (decos panties whatever uses paint) i have a few hats made by other writers all of wich use the same method so that seems to be the way to go
  4. some pages from the new book
  5. yo EBA i know ya dont usualy do this but you down for an exchange. after seein that mothra one i can help but ask
  6. burns like hydrochloric acid
  7. good start, you got your letter structure on target, but, write mothra, no offense but mosh just conjours up images of ultra tuff guy hardcore doucheness come on ya'll get down with that posi shit!?!?! nah not to mention mothra is a sick word hell yeh for late mid century sci-fi
  8. as usual man, fuckin ill, work on puttin color into it and it'll burn like fuckin ghoneria have you painted any of this yet?
  9. that throwie is nice handstyle is a little hard to make out
  10. oh and the first e second row down goldennn
  11. looks good yo and the fact that you can fill an entitre page says a lot about your skills when it comes to general letter placement.
  12. dusetwo


    that purple ceks throw is fuckin freshh
  13. KITE BATTLE RESULTS. duse two - 6 votes blart bos- 1 vote feel free to get any final votes in during the next hour or so if you havnt yet, once again no self voting. ima call this shit in an hour as it stands now im in first blarts in second duse two blart bos knim lykomgz earl broco after this battle is over ill throw a word for a new one
  14. ya boy smokes dust, hide ya valuables.
  15. quit trying to sound all hardcore, all city, paint till your nose bleeds die hard bomber. because your not. and everyone can see it the fact that you cant, makes it all the more funny
  16. you put somthin up thats more than other people did
  17. on another note VOTE VOTE VOTE current standings blart - 1 duse two - 2
  18. do yourself a huge favor and shut the fuck up your making yourself look like an ignorant dumbass. this entire thread catagory is called PAPER chase meaning blackbook work and thats despite the fact that you shouldnt be within 300000 feet of a can of paint judging by that heinous attempt at painting. and even thats ignoring the fact that theres probly plenty of people on this thready, me included who done plenty more painting with much more skill than you ignorant toys like yourself are what is ruinin graffiti
  19. definatly hit the books some more yo this is a paper thread after all
  20. and with that my vote is for blart
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