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Everything posted by dusetwo

  1. thought of it but never really tried it
  2. lotsa judgement from someone postin no pics. and where im puttin these stickers are old spots i slept on and got overrun by toy ass 15 year olds
  3. killed many an hour on stickers today heres a few
  4. turn your f around and fix the e it looks like an inbred crossbreed of a lowercase and upper case E
  5. where are the letters? go simple yo
  6. yo i got this crazyyyyyy fuckin idea we all stop talkin and paint! holy fuck
  7. i seen some pasted shit before, just never crossed my mind to try it
  8. damn never thought a pasten somthin in, could be fresh.
  9. its being passed around for now so all i got is my scratch book
  10. yo i knew a crackhead dude who used to grift/rob at the t station near me said he wrote spongebob carefull eba piss em off he might burn ya with a crackpipe for real though i had to laugh when i seen his handstyle on the bus he always took shit looked like a 5 year old on ether did it
  11. mad names are taken yo i get that but for real sake is legit like the KING of Canada. Has more ups than pretty much any writer i know USA included on an ironic tip i wrote sect when i first started madd difficult letter choice good luck with it
  12. sake is probably the most up writer in all of canada
  13. using dark colors (or any color that contrast well with the others) on a final outline of your entire piece make it look clean. looks like your using paint markers for your final outline, id suggest a black prisma, an 08 micron. somthin more fine tipped than a paint marker. and yo for real no need to come up on here with some pointless shit talk mith chill out smoke drugs or somthin
  14. theres a sake and dock from canada
  15. yeh we do paint together once this snow bullshit is gone im hittin the yards hard. i been waitin all winter
  16. it just snowed here in boston i just hit the streets fuck motha natures
  17. go paint you fucksa its 4 am
  18. bottom shit is fuckin ill
  19. random word i tried "city lights"
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