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Everything posted by dusetwo

  1. never have enough paint for anything big, but its good to see people are noticin it
  2. random style i tried, went overboard on the bits in the fill
  3. cola you aint some one in a position to be criticizing anyone
  4. couldnt have put it better myself
  5. because you can get shitloads of em at post offices crits
  6. thanks for flickin that purplestain, ive been camraless for a while. that was one hell of a cold drunk night, you got the clevr bomb next to that by any chance?
  7. yum acid shits a trip though for real not for anyone with any sorta emotional/mental issues or stigmas. thats when people do stupid shit
  8. lose the arrows and space the letters out more evenly
  9. i do paint you silly bitch. so why dont you shut the fuck up or post somthin
  10. new style i was tryin and random bomb
  11. random ass piece i did sorry about how messy it is
  12. definatly one of the freshest ive seen from ya
  13. dusetwo


    yeh i just put the random symbols in the middle for fun they dont make it a d or anything
  14. dusetwo


    random throwies and a shitty handstyle
  15. eh kids rock stickers 1083789738973 times harder than i can in that thread so i just keep it here
  16. yo respect to ryze and all the 5av folks, but ryes and ryze are two diferent words and melbs if im correct aint from boston
  17. tried fillin two pages in my book
  18. stole pic of a random character i painted a while back
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