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Everything posted by dusetwo

  1. nah they wernt, need to try a completly different style man, shits just repeditive
  2. for real though , change it up it always looks the same
  3. bomb the system is mad cheesy check out quality of life, much better graff based movie
  4. fucked up the e and the colorin on the duse, crits
  5. like i said you got the simple style down yo, characters are pretty nice too
  6. mith's letters are pretty nice yo, comes correct with the simple style
  7. phase was an oldschool writer from new york pretty well known too yo
  8. shamme, shits not flowin looks way to hectic. simplify that shit son 3 first are old last one is new, shitty colorin though. crits
  9. kllr everything but the 2nd one has pretty good structure some drunk style
  10. another random blackbook page kinda fucked up the cracks though crits?
  11. some new shit crits please
  12. yeh but still saying everything else sucked is a pretty broad inaccurate statement there yo
  13. speak for yourself yo, im pretty content with my shit
  14. melbs scum gets my vote shits crisp
  15. bottom line, mix it up same shit gets boring, get a general feel for all styles, bombin, simples, wildstyles, burners. The more versatile you are the more respect your gonna get
  16. word yo you should let me hook that shit up with a tiny piece haha
  17. ohe word, i was wonderin what was up with it i thought it saide craze because of the handstyles
  18. last two are alright but the first three need work, the c looks like a b kinda, the r would look good if you had a second leg comin down so it mad a upper case r, and the right leg on the A needs to be longer too. Structure is good but to much is hurting your flow because it looks like it says bpwse
  19. im in on this if it goes down
  20. there ya go more to come later when im feelin this buzz more
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