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Everything posted by dusetwo

  1. word yo purplestain good to see im finally making a dent and gettin up a bit
  2. yeh man isor you got yourself a fun word man, shit flows nice, S to O transitions kinda hard though
  3. here ya go isor, phun ill have another up later on, some drunk styles for yall soon
  4. i hit you up with two yo check the pages, and isor you write your user name or somthin else lemmie know and ill get an exchange at ya
  5. another big fuckin sticker gold marker went to shit though
  6. yeh junk, u is a tough letter to get, gave me problems for a while too, just work at it yo
  7. big fuckin sticker... junk try doin u's like this one
  8. another sketch for ya phun
  9. quick simple for ya maz, once again more shit to come
  10. alright I'll get back to you after dinner and a blunt marko.
  11. quick sketch for ya phun, i'll work on something more substantial later
  12. alright so phun im doing an exchange with you, and isor did you say you wanted to too?
  13. yeh we'll do an exchange, what you write.
  14. new shit, to lazy to color. crits/comments?
  15. yeh mostly bombs though, dont got the can control to make pieces look crisp yet.
  16. couple new stickers crits please
  17. new shit, not finished yet, i wanna fill the page... crits?
  18. yeh extra all i'd say is work on the 3d its a lilttle of at some points, but even that is pretty damn good.
  19. rephrase that phun, ya lost me
  20. oh and anyone wanna do an exchange?
  21. word DuSe, like i told Isor i it was about 5am and i was drunk and beligerint, so dont worry about what i said the only way somone writing duse would be an issue is if they did it in the same area i did, so itsall good DuSe.
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