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Everything posted by dusetwo

  1. damn bump m31 and target, the motherfuckin freshness
  2. stop, go back and start over simpllllleee simmmpllllle simpllle seriously, stop goin so complex
  3. lose the extentions, just do simple, solid, clean letters
  4. rath's style is very distinct, and personaly his is somewhat similar to that very distinct style i just do dead letters, nothing really distinct to them, there was a dose up here too (rip), ive caught no heat for that, once i get a real developed style then we'll see whats up who i kinda look like. basicaly its not necessarily his letter choice, its that combined with the fact that it looks similar to his style, i dunno maybe im wrong seeing shit odd, but it just seems kinda similar. but either way, he's got structure and style rockin, so big ups for that. keep doin what your doin cuz its lookin nice regardless of what people say about biting. and on a side note, actualy the person i kinda bit/was influenced by was this writer dume who used to killlllll my neighborhood. but ive kinda progressed away from there style (all they did was throwies)
  5. so its fuzzy, so is my ballsack whats your point? oh and rah you got some skill but from the begining i saw similarities to rath right down to your word your style is very similar to his and your word is one letter off from being his word. even if you dont think your biting, everyone will insist you are
  6. WON! high as shit feeellll the steez
  7. keep doin what your doin
  8. yeh it is that shit was fun to rock
  9. mouth for war it was him or e-dogg but, dammmnnn. that style you rocked mouth is some creative shit. and Q 666, the e on that is illlllllllll
  10. i have to much time to kill right now so heres an... example do.this. quality is shitty cuz i have no scanner, flickin these fuckers
  11. ima hook you up with somthin new soon
  12. icannotfadeprismas boom
  13. the extentions need to go right now they just look out of place, crowd and confuse the piece
  14. as usualy quality stuff the r though, it kinda sticks out because its the only letter that has no curved segments to it.
  15. sole one that long ass shit has some qualitty letter structure in there def post some of your other stuff
  16. make that shit a hundreeeddddd times simpler.
  17. bugs ill exchange with yawhat you write
  18. oh an amkah scene girls are beasicaly girls who listin to, or hang around a certain type of music mostly, emo screamo hardcore indie they all kinda look/dress alike. basicaly bitches with plugs peircings and tattoos and clothes from a thrift shop some are pretty hot though.
  19. dont get me wrong i'll stick my balls in a scene chicks asshole and rub one out. but nothin beyond that. on some real ish, i used to fuckin gun for scene chicks, a skinny lil bitch with fuckin deisel plugs and more ink on her than a fuckin book still makes me bust one in my pants. but i dunno many of them end up being very VERYYYYY, dramatic people. (but what girl isnt these days). Now i go for chicks with more strong personality, but not as flashy looks. but even so, my girls are always hot like fiyuh, ask cnue he knows the deal. and yo, honestly whatever works, scene, hoodrat, tranvestite hooker from china town, whatever the fuck type of girl it is, as long as they make ya happy for the time being. Because in the long run they all end up being crazy bitches so what does it matter what denomiation they in.
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