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Everything posted by dusetwo

  1. me and cnue paint at the leasssst once a week and thats a sad week if we paint only once come on now i thought europe is where shit's gettin crushed, cats doing big things and whatnot
  2. but exploit.... the gov't they're meannnnnnnnnnn, thats wronnggggg... wahhhhhhh :( life sucks and then you die kids get used to it
  3. oh and yes i realize the kennedy assasination was rigged by the goverment particularly jhonson and pallllzzzz
  4. with that said BOSTON BENCH BOSTON BENCH pm me we can plot hate crimes opress and take advantage of less fortunate nations and maybe eat greasy hamburgers wave confederate flags get drunk and chant USA some more i love crack epidemics and the resulting poverty and violence!
  5. heirkb do us all a favor and stop informing us of what we're already aware of goverments in general are pretty fucked, the world is fucked, fucked up shit happens all im sayin is all the english kids i ever met thinks every american is ignorant fat slob with an inflated sense of nationalism. and im probly most likely to be the next lee harvey or faceless grassy knoll shooter so dont talk to me like im all pro-gov't sweet now the FBI gonna trace my ip adress! oh and heirkb good for you you know some dates of some fucked up events i dont need historical examples to realize the worlds fucked now go bitch about america to somone else because enough americans bitch about this shit believe it or not you stupid ignorant fuck. so trust me we hear it allll the fuckin time
  6. ahhahaha good armenian resturants there though
  7. heres my real message, if ya knew how to scroll up and detect blatent sarcasm maybe your perception wouldnt be so off oh and when it comes to secret holocausts and shit every fucking countryhas done some fucked up shit, english landlords opressed the irish for decades, american expansionists displaced an entire native nation and reduced them to an impovrished fragmented nation riddled with substance abuse problems, high crime rates, and low quality of life (native americans), armenians where marched across the desert told they were being relocated when in reality the turks simply intended it to be a death march (armenian genocide), catholic crusaders attacked a nations, raped pillaged and murdered in the name of god!?! in rawanda tribal rivalries initialy caused by europian opportunists instaling themselves as a gov't and favoring certain tribes led to a massive genocide. the worlds a fucked up place kido my point simply was it seems every english kid ive ever met assumes me to be some ignorant fuck. i live in NEW ENGLAND, im pretty aware of the fact that we borrow many things from what was initialy our homeland. so ill say it again, we arnt as ignorant as you think and ifyour english kid who made that psuedo intelectual check it out i can use big words style statement then you just proved me right
  8. dumbass\ its obviously sarcasm i couldnt be more against ignorant nationalism and i do read you presumptiouse fuck
  9. oh purp my man dont get me wrong imbred to the highest degree i just dont partake of the incest myself hate to have one similar to me runin around reaking havock and being of my bloodline oh and with that said USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! i just felt obliged
  10. what the fuck you think were fuckin just typical ignorant americans shit this pretentiouse uk bullshit is fuckin wornn the fuck out, were not all stupid fat sweaty hicks who fuck our cousins burn crosses and sit around drunk and stupid all day. not to mention were alllll obviously from boston MASSACHUSETTS, in the us. so as ya'll englishkids would say, quit taking the piss outa us because we arnt as ignorant as you think
  11. BOSTON BENCH BOSTON BENCH BOSTON BENCH check it seeing as the last one didnt go well and sank and freak ended up waiting around for our forgetfull asses ima take the liberty of hardcore organizing thisone anyone and everyone who wants in, please send me a PM i'll say it again THE BOSTON BENCH IS BEING ORGANIZED VIA PM'S so hit me up so i can get a roster going and figure what day works for everyone
  12. and what does pres bush have to do with critting? amkah the logic of your analogies eludes me
  13. cut and paisting a badly centered cartoon character doesnt make bad hand better
  14. and by the way, that bottom one sect did is absolutly fuckin perfect thats how you progress start out with basic letters master them untill you could do em blinfolded in your sleep after having your arms amputated.
  15. sect good stuff especialy the 2nd one and the bottom one keep it up its funny, I actualy used to write sect when i started, they just buffed the last existing hand i did yesterday. and joewinmor lose the extention, check out sect's shit he's got the letter structure rocking correctly
  16. yo BOSTON BENCH pm me if your down and i'll get this shit actualy organazized
  17. stop, go back and start over simpllllleee simmmpllllle simpllle seriously, stop goin so complex
  18. lose the extentions, just do simple, solid, clean letters
  19. rath's style is very distinct, and personaly his is somewhat similar to that very distinct style i just do dead letters, nothing really distinct to them, there was a dose up here too (rip), ive caught no heat for that, once i get a real developed style then we'll see whats up who i kinda look like. basicaly its not necessarily his letter choice, its that combined with the fact that it looks similar to his style, i dunno maybe im wrong seeing shit odd, but it just seems kinda similar. but either way, he's got structure and style rockin, so big ups for that. keep doin what your doin cuz its lookin nice regardless of what people say about biting. and on a side note, actualy the person i kinda bit/was influenced by was this writer dume who used to killlllll my neighborhood. but ive kinda progressed away from there style (all they did was throwies)
  20. so its fuzzy, so is my ballsack whats your point? oh and rah you got some skill but from the begining i saw similarities to rath right down to your word your style is very similar to his and your word is one letter off from being his word. even if you dont think your biting, everyone will insist you are
  21. WON! high as shit feeellll the steez
  22. keep doin what your doin
  23. yeh it is that shit was fun to rock
  24. mouth for war it was him or e-dogg but, dammmnnn. that style you rocked mouth is some creative shit. and Q 666, the e on that is illlllllllll
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