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stay dipped in sauce

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Everything posted by stay dipped in sauce

  1. Re: Don't Call it Frisco what i don't get is how there are 2 cakes, in the bay, and both go by 187 or 87. which one came first? thats fucking retarted. somone needs to kill the imposter.
  2. Re: the official website recommendation thread thats fuckin crazy you said that last night i had a dream i had 2 dicks and i was fuckin a bitch in the pussy and ass simultaniously. it was awsome.
  3. Re: Great Pictures~ how could there parents let them dress like that? and yea i to am still witing for the explanation why it is ''ill for so many reasons''
  4. Re: my new GM is fucking one of our sales girls haha its hella funny how sikism and eastbay fight back and forth like children till el mammero comes along, tells them to shut up and not another peep comes from either of them. i deffinantly rofle'd on that one. and damn you fools are fuckin scandolous!!! tryin to fuck this mans life up with the quickness. p.s. sickism your a dippshit.
  5. ........like a real writer....like write books...
  6. that shit was sick. you should be a fucking writer ........
  7. im not even gonna lie this fool comes raw as fuck
  8. how can there be two ewok's? you would think that would be a word no when else would have but then theres 2 rediculously famous fools who write it. cuttttttyyyyyyyy
  9. no it sounds like you've never traveled europe and u have no idea how sick it is. but i agree about that bay shit. the bay is amazing but its got nothing on europe. p.s. im a baydestrian.
  10. oh and the most important shit i can tell u........ is dont plan out your trip. its way more of an adventure to just travel free and if u dont like the place ur at why would u waste any more time there when u can just bounce out, expecially when u only have 3 weeks.
  11. not to sound snotty but im probably the best person to ask... i hit 15 countrys in 3 months it only costed me 3 G's (not including airfare. im not gonna spend years explaining everything ill just give u some basics.... stay in hostels. fuck that movie bullshit that scared every one in the u.s. shitless. hostels are the shit. all u do is party and meet people just like u and go out clubbing with them. including fine ass bitches. vienna sucks balls. its a retirement city. its not fun. make sure u stay on RAMBLAS street in barcelona. that street is crackin till 8 am every night and its neer the beach and theres a legal wall near by including a piant store that carries non stop spanish montana (its made in spain so they got that shit on lock yadadaholla) go to copenhagen in denmark and hit up the town called christiania. trust me its a hippy colony that has weed plants growing from the street cracks (litteraly growing like weeds everywhere) plus legal walls up the ying yang. fuck a hooker in amsterdam. once again u gotta trust me buddy. as for places to avoid......i dunno i didnt like milan, in italy, u mentioned zurich, its tight......but its outragiously expensive. i dunno on this subject just pm me dude i went way too many places to name shit off the top of my head. dude just fuckin pm me.
  12. must be the exchange from reyes........ fucking.............ill.
  14. he also starts over from 700 to 790
  15. he also went from 640 to 670
  17. might as well post BNK in the toys thread
  18. that shit is fucked up. how would you feel if you dad, or brother or whatever was made fun of after they were killed. fuck that shit i would knock that faggit out if i saw him and he didnt have 1 billion body guards.
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