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Everything posted by mn1_fuckos

  1. The light comin in through the window is awesome and ol girl getting blasted helping out with the gods rays
  2. Its been COLD as fuck here in chicago the chicago river was steaming because it was so cold Great work all around oh snap, testicular catastrophe, mercer, J channa and everyone else in between.
  3. Haha my bad..... thanks for the positive feedback fuckos
  4. i replaced it with a smaller size on my flickr i guess it deletes the original copy and puts a new one but here it is again
  5. TRUE!! id eat those all day if i could the person below me has had more then 4 bowel movements today
  6. tight fllicks everyone. Ive been pretty caught up in school and other BS so i havent really had time to shoot but schools almost over and its about to start snowin so that should make for some dope photos
  7. true??? i sure as hell hope not im paying for these fuckin thiings! The person below me is studying for finals
  8. Writing an 8 page paper that was due last week
  9. One of his sons greatest accomplishments
  10. Correction This is the mother of all skyscrapers although it has been demolished for a while now it was the first skyscraper ever built. In chicago
  11. that 2nd flick is tight Heres some i took over the weekend
  12. false i ride the bus son the person below owns a 20 year old car
  13. wtf is that thing a mouse???^^^ the girl walkin has no body shape at all! dope flicks from everyone
  14. false the person below me is playin football on thanksgiving
  15. it felt good to go out again, my body was achin because of the flu i was pretty much stuck in bed for 2 days.
  16. Lol yea why wouldnt we answer your question! what kind of lense you got on that d40?? i got a d80 and your shots look better then mine but then again i have stock lenses
  17. false the person below me caught the flu
  18. i got the flu (Non Swine) so im pretty fucked up on meds. and its been raining up for the last week for any good flicks
  19. FLICKR HEADS any of you on the 12oz Group in flickr??? http://www.flickr.com/groups/12oz/
  20. lol at your false False The person below me bites their toe nails
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