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Everything posted by mn1_fuckos

  1. The yellow pillar and curb shot is awesome
  2. thanks its gotten tons of coverage from around 10-12 sources thats not including the views coming from unknown sources. they were actually one of the first to put it on their blog. When i took that photo i thought it was just gonna stay withing the people that check out my flickr you know all the chicago graff heads but i guess not. Its good to see people speak out against this because you just don't see anyone standing up for their rights anymore My bad for the extra post guys i had not seen this
  3. One of the only shots of a bald eagle i caught
  4. Went eagle watchin at starve rock last Saturday got to see three but i want able to get any good shots but it was well worth it good photo opportunities
  5. false nothing interesting the person below me came up on a job
  6. this is what im aiming to do mainly to fund my love for graff that way ima able to build up cash to buy better equipment and maybe later on fund a couple of galleries im use to dealing with shit heads whether theyre drunks coke heads bros tons of different people i do it at work all the time i have a high tolerance yet high temper
  7. haha false the person below me has prematurely busted a nut before
  8. false the person below me has been walked in on while having sex
  9. false i usually buy a large one and finish it halfway the person below me spends more then they should
  10. false the person below me has had their fingernail fall off
  11. maybe ill invest in it later on this year i wanna be in shape for the first time and i wouldnt mind getting a fews cuts here and there andi wouldnt mind a six pack. being that im not a fan of vegetables this should be a good challenge
  12. Seems like my photo caused an uproar in 3 days. Since i posted it, it has had 1000 views and it ended up making it onto the local tv station's website they linked my photo to their site so thats dope! fuckin cta is tryin to shut us down.Check it out guys http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local-beat/Losing-Focus-CTA-Cracks-Down-on-Photography-82138272.html
  13. false its cold in chicago the person below me fell down the stairs this week
  14. been thinking about hitting the gym this summer again i was wondering if that p90x shit works any of you guys ever tried it?
  15. Oh Snap thats what i said when i saw your flick !
  16. false the person below me has had a near death expirience more then once
  17. true the person below me has got robbed
  18. i havent been out in a a fucking while good flicks people Spaceman and artifacts snappin!
  19. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Myself Pass your fuckin classes this semester so we could end this bullshit ass education Peace
  20. True its an alright show the person below me was awake before 6 am today
  21. false the person below me fell in the tub
  22. tight flick the girl is a smash for sure but the way that nigga looks makes me wanna shove my foot up his ass. one question Marco why do the shadows look super blurred? sky was red yesterday
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