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Everything posted by mn1_fuckos

  1. load limit thats how you shoot when your rusty? fuck thats tight. Mercer were you also talking about my photos?! I demand satisfaction i challenge you to a duel. Cameras At dawn! Yo we should all shoot the same subject and compare them all to see our different styles with a similar subject.
  2. I'm glad i missed all the bickering but mercer snapped on layin down some knowledge.
  3. my boy let me borrow a couple dvd's on lighting which i stilll have to watch.
  4. fuck that waterfall and this evil lookin dog above me are the shit!
  5. LOL here's some more God how I love transit
  6. I feel like an ass for flooding the last 2 pages with my flicks. The last two pages have been quality from everyone! Jbrsh comin outta hibernation! Poesia those futura flicks are whats up, i'm really diggin the fixie flick
  7. Great Page everyone keep up the good work. nah, ima sound kinda dumb but what is that? damn thats whats up i brought out some child hood memories. yea i have been tryin to get out everyday tryin to progress into a better photographer.
  8. man i fuckin love the sb-600 my boy loaned it to me a couple times i fell in love with the fuckin thing. i cant wait to come up on some money!
  9. false the person below me knows what binary is
  10. http://www.flickr.com/photos/emenfukos/
  11. The last two were straight out the camera. i thought they posted the first time my bad guys
  12. the last one came straight out the camera no processing i almost pissed my pants when i saw it was perfect
  13. false the person below me arrived somewhere early today.
  14. went out for a 3 mile walk this morning took a few dope shots. plus the weather kicked ass today.
  15. false pretty chill the person below me was playing ping pong today
  16. yo we should chill n go on a photohunt downtown
  17. false the person below me was affected by daylight savings time
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