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Soup BDC

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Everything posted by Soup BDC

  1. http://youtube.com/watch?v=n23_IsU4Uic Whale:1, Kayak: 0.
  2. Soup BDC


    Dead on, except for me knowing Lance dated sheryl crow. And it wasn't some kid, it was this old dude Pat who's a really good friend of a friend of mine, ie the hookup. Pat's nuts, with this hot late 40's wife who rides Mt Diablo every single morning. Other than that, that's exactly why my friend wanted me to buy a trek. As for it being a trek, and a cheap rec' sport bike, I just can't care. The thing's pure fun. Hahah and I still need to buy a helmet.:shakehead:
  3. Dave Chapelle comitting suicide. This was after watching Block Party. That nigga is bipolar to the maxxxxxxxxxx.
  4. Soup BDC


    THIS JUST IN: -Trek 1000 SL in Duotone Flame -Look Keo Sprint Pedals -adiStar Road Pro pedals Friend at Sharp came through and bundled it all for $800 cash. The bike's pretty f'ing fast compared to my '84 bridgestone 400. The derailer's a bit janky but still great value. Then found a wireless cat eye for $24.
  5. Skeezy? Everyone's about twenty years old here. So immature, sure, but I met all these guys in the peace core.
  6. I've had pretty hip history teachers, I remember one made an entire day dedicated to going over the balistics evidence in the JFK assasination... why is Liberia never talked about on Black history month?
  7. This is something I JUST LEARNED at age twenty, and it took running into a Liberian to learn it. It baffles me how an American highschool history book doesnt go over this: From wikipedia Liberia, officially the Republic of Liberia, is a country on the west coast of Africa, bordered by Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Côte d'Ivoire. Liberia, which means "Land of the Free", was founded as an independent nation by free-born and formerly enslaved blacks from the United States. Recently it has witnessed two civil wars, the Liberian Civil War (1989–1996), and the Second Liberian Civil War (1999–2003), that have displaced hundreds of thousands and destroyed its economy. Content http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberia
  8. About that, and how hot she truely is. May I reference bay area heads to the town of, "Danville." Edit: reference to Irish's.
  9. This is the second f'ing time this has happened in the past few months. Most recently, my dude meets girl, dude and girl seem to hella like eachother, then my dude goes to africa for a month and the girl starts calling me day and night wanting to hang out. I know bros before hoes is crutial, but exercising self restraint is BALLS. Just gotta beat one off and move on.
  10. I can't have one side without the other. Ying and yang son. Think of all the cyclists that statement excommunicates for taking their daily rides out over yonder. Trillions.
  11. That's just flat out incorrect.
  12. Soup BDC


    Jesus I'm too noncomittal to buy a roadbike. Help folks. What would you folks say is the best bike to get for about $1,000?
  13. Soup BDC


    HEY BIKE FOLKS, HELP A BROKE DUDE OUT. I'm looking to buy a roadbike to commute, and ride along with my friends who are pros up at UC Davis. I've got about a grand to spend on a bike, helmet, shoes, and clipless pedals. So far this is what i've tried out: Fuji roubaix '06, $850. Also comes 10% cashback towards other shit. Sidi Genius' are $190. Trek 1000/Lemond Etape: $645.
  14. Oh, and another time my friends and I were racing shifter karts. It was fucking hot outside so I had my FLAME REDARDENT suit's sleeves rolled up... eventually there was an accident and my forearm got banged against the engine behind the seat. That left a two and a half inch scar.
  15. My seat post was too high on the ole Bridgestone, so my nads were killin me. Instead of pulling over and fixing it I held onto the seatpost with both hands and hoisted my balls off the saddle. Then the brilliant idea of going round turns in this position pops into the brainium, and it works for the first two turns. Third's the charm: goodbye entire skin from wrist to armpit, and knee.
  16. FUCK THAT. Take your civic and use it as a donor car to build a Locost, You'll be out of owning wheels for a good 20 months, but three thousand dollars later you'll have the greatest thing alive. *edit: I'm not gonna lie, I just want another 12 ozer to take on this venture so I don't feel so crazy. example:
  17. I haven't seen the episodes, but after seeing him tell his life's story on Inside the Actor's studio, I can guess why some didn't think they were funny.
  18. DAMN Talladega Nights looks promising. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6813600610554936826&q=Talladega+Nights
  19. That was pretty damn funny. I heard Steve got the gig after Jack Black turned it down.
  20. This dude was my childhood idol. That and this dude.
  21. I can't stand myspace ever since I noticed this trend of people instead of returning phone calls, they text me since they're more accustomed to messaging. It's a big horrible joke when you realize how serious your friends take what they have on their page. I'll be moving again because of it.
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