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Posts posted by !@#$%

  1. dear SM


    feel better

    undiagnosable shit sucks. i've got that going on myself and the pain is shit

    especially when they give you nothing for the pain cuz they think you're lying

    or can't figure out what's going on

    fuck doctors.



  2. But some of the best works of art are musicals! :)


    Without even getting into opera, i adore Phantom, SoM, MFL, and so many others. George Bernard Shaw couldn't have gotten the point across better than Why Can''t a Woman Be More Like a Man, could he have?


    that's the best thing about art though: it's all subjective opinions

    and honestly, that should read 'some of my favorite works of art are musicals"

    the art i like: music, and film and visual art (except performance art) and dance, are arts i love.

    i don't feel the need to combine them. for example: i'd never watch a film about people painting.

    or go to a concert that had acting in it.


    i'm not saying any of that stuff you listed is bad, either

    i am saying i fucking detest it


    i've been to an opera, they are prolly the best type of musical, or the lesser of the evils i guess.


    i will prolly see Book of Mormon, to say, ok i've seen a broadway prod

    but it is not my thing, never will be.

    i was very impressed though, that my man had no qualms whatsoever about telling me he loves em.

  3. we found a dog.


    so annoyed when people won't keep their pets - and dump them on the street.

    this one's been bred a bunch too. sad.


    bedframed, that is unfortunate but i'm happy to hear you found a home for her. dogs are usually pack animals too so she will prolly be very happy.

  4. dear oontz


    it'll be a good day when those who can't think things through realize

    the mods don't act with one brain

    nor do we sit around discussing the next move before it's made





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