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Posts posted by !@#$%

  1. hi there fatalist,


    not much happened

    not much is happening

    something about a forum upgrade bein in the works since around the time you left prolly


    fist666 tried to hookup with a really fat chick and he couldn't get it up or something

    not sure there were any other epic threads you missed.

    so i fell in love last night was funny for a few posts.

    all in all kinda dead.


    i hope you and your family are well





    p.s. the bottom thread on Ch0 1st page has a last reply date of 4.22

    that should give you an idea of how hardt the drop is off

  2. i can't say for sure if she's racist, because she seems to just hate everyone and everything with zeal..(except her youngest son who has been dead for decades)


    let's go with yes. she's a fucking pathetic excuse for a human being.




    this guy prolly makes a better grandma

  3. Why does everyone hate dodgeball? Was fun af. Everyone takes a ball or two to the face at some point but it's just part of the game. I was mostly always catching anything someone threw at me.




    dodgeball was a sanctioned way for bigger, stronger kids to menace little ones, both physically and mentally.

  4. dear cali,


    sorry to hear it.

    i'm glad i didn't go to asia this year.

    they are shattering heat records.

    people are dropping dead.

    i guess we got lucky (so far)






    128.3°F reading the hottest temperature ever recorded in Pakistan


    According to Mr. Burt, the 47°C (116.6°F) measured on May 12 this year is the hottest temperature measured in Southeast Asia in recorded history


    Tropical Cyclone Phet the 2nd strongest Arabian Sea storm on record



  5. BNH i haven't heard of those games. or foursquare. i know that as a website


    we played some kickball but mostly tag, hopscotch and shit like that.


    in high school we moved onto slaps (slapjack) and egyptian ratscrew

  6. Welcome to the world of women that take themselves too seriously and can't spot a joke when they see one.


    Neg yourself, faggot.


    hm, you sur took that neg mad serious tho bra.


    pull out your butt plug, cuz if that was a joke, it was super lame and in no way indicative of humor.

  7. Books lol.

    You guys still send telegrams and ride in steam engines too?

    Get a TV faggots.


    welcome to the world of idiots, brought to you by technology and people like gasfacevictim


    stuff read on paper is retained better, and read with greater comprehension, than stuff read on a screen

    gfv, i'd suggest you read this article, but you seem like too much of a doofus to comprehend it, much less finish the whole thing.




    got a tv.

    and there isn't a lot of good shit to watch anymore anyways.


    i might catch something on the history channel or id channel.

    watch the news almost daily, but the rest of the shit is stupid reality shows.


    thats why im over tv....even movies arent what they used to be...not enough storyline and too much special effects and action.


    thats why id rather read anyways.


    i would usually rather read,

    but tv has gotten good lately in my opinion.

    maybe you're watching the wrong shit. cuz i don't have cable.

    but frontline has put out some of their best shit in years lately,

    and finally we are getting away from cop dramas with cool shows like GoT and orphan black.

  8. i'll admit i didn't read all that but..


    i hate graffiti sometimes.

    occasionally i have a convo like this, and someone thinks graf should be legal.

    um, no. conversation over.




    you can also see my opinion in the 3rd rail thread about l.pink's ridiculous claim that graf is bigger than the renaissance. what can i say but :haha:

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