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12oz Original
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Posts posted by !@#$%

  1. i have really intense dreams on vacation, which is basically the only time i'm without weed.

    ..and i don't seek it out, i'm sure i could find it like back in the day, but i kinda like the break.


    i don't smoke a lot of it, but i do puff a small amount every day

    and yes, when i don't have it i get the crazy dreams, sometimes nightmares.

    i'm sure it's normal, for me anyway.


    i wouldn't see a pro about it unless it's really bugging you

    a counseling session or two prolly wouldn't hurt anyone, regardless.


    i used to have problems telling the difference between reality and dreams when i stopped drinking, now that i think about it. but that went away over time.


    inj, just fyi i ain't engaged. we've just been together for ages.

  2. just fyi, for those discussing forgetfulness, alcohol does not kill brain cells.

    it does of course disrupt brain activity, but it shouldn't be doing any long term damage that affects your ability to process information while you're sober.

    it may impact your ability to form memories while you are drunk, but not otherwise.


    "For moderate drinkers, a number of studies from the last 15 years suggest that, far from killing brain cells, a little tipple is actually associated with a reduced risk of cognitive decline and dementia."


    if you find your memory is leaving something to be desired, try brain training.

    or doing crosswords, sudoku, playing chess, etc.




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  3. after a 8 or 9 year hiatus of 12 oz




    im glad to be clean feels good



    with a registration in 2007 you must be posting from the future.


    but fo real. good for you.

  4. He rolled his truck right after he left my house. I feel like a complete asshole for letting him leave. Fuck it all i guess.



    the most you can do is support people

    they have to make their own choices.

  5. i hate the bullshit science in lucy.

    i don't think i can stomach a film in which the entire premise (the amount of our brain we 'use') is bullshit


    (cuz we all use basically all the areas of our brain, regardless of whether we are using it to it's 'potential')





    anyway i had to sit through Pompeii on the flight to Peru (played to the entire plane since there were no individual screens.) twas suckage to the max brah

  6. dear symbols,


    what does a person who looks like they give a fuck look like?




    p.s. rhetorical question



    i know what rhetorical means, but i can't help it...



    this is a person who gives a fuck.






    this is a person who looks like they give a fuck





    ha. ha.


    why do i still come on this site?

  7. checking in and trying to catch up.


    any word on weapon X..?





    a steady search for that feel good feeling that you never get again as you did in the beginning-minus a hundred bucks or so


    honestly-if it landed in front of me now/tmrw/in a week-id take it. forever craving.


    but this (last 7 months) have been the cleanest ive been in 12 yrs. (a few weeks away)

    ive put on weight. im super bitchy and miserable. back to zero sex drive. ZERO.. and i feel, fuck that, i KNOW my creative side has dwindled down to bare minimum at best. ive lost some clients because of my attitude.im in pain.

    so -im really struggling with seeing the benefit to sobriety. (for me,no pills)

    I had the ability to obtain the legally.

    i was definitely more pleasant.

    my work definitely stood out way above anyone elses.

    i didnt feel lazy

    I had a lil more drive

    i was just out a few extra bucks each month.

    which is the ONLY good i can pick from this because tuition is a muther fucker.



    im glad i could check in and read the las few pages.



    no words from weapon yet.



    i hear on the steady search. was a major reason why giving up pharma was the right thing for me

    i end up living in a fog or feeling like shit and never quite getting to where i was once.

    not really worth the chase for me

    that said, i am still steady smoking daily and things don't seem to be changing on that front


    good luck to you

    and yes, tuition sucks. i hope someone can pick up a scholarship somehow.

  8. I wonder if any of your work crosses paths with my brother. He does erosion stuff relating to mangroves out of USF.


    Studying for last chapter test of the semester. this then 2 finals to go for my week and a half off before fall starts...



    prolly not even a little

    i love science in all forms.. psychiatry, geology, astronomy, physics etc

    but my area of expertise is biochemical genetics

    i mostly work on the molecular mechanisms of human disease and physiology


    i'm up to 24 publications. not too shabby.

  9. finally got a handful of buprenorphine. i had basically been reluctantly using the past five months to be able to work (can't work sick... blah blah blah). i know - you've heard it a million times and i know a few of you have been there. december my state funding ran out @ the methadone clinic and i slowly picked up right where i left off - i can honestly say post-acute withdrawal syndrome is a mess & threw me off my entire gameplan. i'm embarrassed that i've had to live this "secret" again while i visited my girl in prison with needlepoint pupils. but it's crunchtime now - she gets outta prison tuesday after three years locked up. i moved outta the hood and i will NOT drag her back into that lifestyle. i'm ready to be clean, or @ least not using heroin and i hope to god it's the last fucking time. i truly believe that having wifey back & getting back into narcotics anonymous will be enough, for now. but i'm not looking that far ahead. just focusing on TODAY.


    i hope things have gone well for you since this last post.

  10. nice. habits are hard to break

    but if you make new ones

    like putting it down instead of picking it up

    then things improve.



    i wonder whats up with weaponxer no activity since the 14th but who knows if it's a login problem.

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