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12oz Original
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Posts posted by !@#$%

  1. Symbols,


    I think Suca was edogg's old handle, must have had the same email behind it and caused the mix up.


    man myth goon.


    good call


    Dear Oontz,

    what's good?

    I miss all your imaginary faces that I've created for you in the recesses of my mind. I shall endeavour to make more of an effort to be present. No promises though, life innit.











    good call on the flicks.




  2. hey there jokes. how ya been?


    so. well. there was a huge problem that seemed to go on for several years: many people could not log on - some glitch shit - and stopped bothering to check the site.

    then there are quite a few people that just moved on. i know a few of em.

    once we lost a critical mass of contributing members, the place lost a lot of steam

    i know the powers that be expect traffic to come back like it was before and that may be true

    but there are definitely people who left, and are gone forever.

    • Like 1
  3. this thread wasn't started by suca i don't think

    that chick started it about russel stover cherry cordials. what was her name?

    wonder if shit got effed up during the migration. or am i just wrong?

    • Like 1

    I might sound like a douche bag, but I'm honestly JUST curious as to what the attraction to the sport is.


    for me, bikes gave me my earliest taste of freedom and it was an amazing feeling

    i used a bike to earn money for a long time

    and i have continued to commute to work on a bike well into adulthood

    there is a great calm i get from riding.

    it's fun, it's meditative, and it allows me to get shit done

    it frees me from driving, which is only fun when there are no other cars on the road.

    and it's just a cheap, easy way to get around that keeps me in good shape


    i don't see it as a sport though, for me it's an activity, a hobby and a means to an end

    • Like 1
  5. got one of these cheapo gran royale bikes for commuting in skirts and/or crappy weather

    not the aristocrat below, but cogsville or some shit.


    not bad. but not even a little fancy.

    i think nashbar made it. which i guess makes it a huffy.

    very cheap though. can't remember the last new bike i saw under 2 hundo




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