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Posts posted by !@#$%

  1. choke got a 54% rating on rotten tomatoes and i promptly forgot it was ever made into a movie



    and anna karenina will not get less depressing. mang it gets much worse. but tolstoy is the man.

    after ak, i had to read war and peace and i loved it. amazing scope and scale, and lots more depressing stuff.

    the unfortunate thing tho, is that he got old and found god and wrote an epilogue

    woulda been better without that part.

    but the novel is incredible.

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  2. I thought i might've had lyme.

    turned out to be palindromic rheumatism and that took years to figure out.


    anyway ticks suck. i'm more concerned about them on my dogs than anything.


    and yeah, lyme doesn't always cause bulls eye rash so that wouldn't rule it out.

    there is an actual test for it now so you can just go to the doc

    treatment however, is another story unless you know you have it and get antibiotics immediately.

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  3. hahaha yes. those are good ones too

    i heard it ALL this weekend and last week.

    no justice no peace

    no racist po lice


    i am not sure anything will change, but clearly people are waking up to the problem and some of em ain't taking it no mo




    Gang members stand with City Council against rioting in Baltimore.

  4. dear cali,


    thanks mang. we're good.

    been doing lots of volunteer work. participatin. activatin.

    and now i have march chants stuck in my head

    if we don't get it?

    shut it down

    if we don't get it?

    shut it down

    if we don't get it?

    shut it down





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  5. almost did, but was honestly kind of sick of hearing about it/talking about it.

    i did wonder if you were good, though.

    are you close to any of it?



    Bmore will be fine. it was actually two intersections very close to each other where most damage was done. and the one mall.

    then a lot of people took the opportunity presented when the cops directed all of their resources to those two intersections...

    leaving the rest of the city on it's own.

    so lots more windows got broken and some more shit got looted

    but that was basically it


    i don't live far from where the action was.. but again, there was a lot of overreaction if you ask me.

    i did a ton of volunteer work and some marchin and some yelling. i'm exhausted today.

    trained as a legal observer last week and went to penn and north over the weekend.

    all in all, insane because of the amount of national guard, but shit was chill. i was never afraid for my thousand dollar camera.



  6. yeah. it's all bullshit

    his plagiarism made him even more famous than the book. kinda surprised his dumb ass book doesn't come with a disclaimer. especially knowing some people who have gone through some actual shit.

    so, not impressed. not even a little. i'd like to give him another root canal tho


    Joan gotcha. don't it hurtcha?






    reading this again (A Peace to End All Peace)

    so dense. so amazeballs.



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