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12oz Original
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Posts posted by !@#$%

  1. dear IR


    ahh, the misconceptions get annoying sometimes.

    i don't have much money, i bet most adults on this forum make around what i do, or more. i don't care about money so it's not a motivator for me.

    i clear about 28k after taxes.

    this is the life of someone who didn't have kids and knows how to use cash..

    i don't pay for cable, or air conditioning. i barely drive my old, paid-for car, and i spend about $100/year on movie theaters, restaurants or entertainment. i don't drink or smoke cigs

    while my job doesn't provide much of a salary, it does provide decent benefits. i have 4 weeks of paid vacation every year, plus sick time and major holidays.

    that said, i worked hard for that shit.. not many people put themselves through college without taking loans


    i had one empty page in my last passport, these days my current one is getting full because of full-page visas to Argentina and Brazil

    my vacations are frugal and simple, always on a sale fare.


    while many girls (and boys) play house and plan of their wedding and future children, i only ever wanted to travel. it does surprise me a little i didn't put more effort into getting a job that requires a lot of travel but shit just didn't work out like that.





    p.s. the government released the latest calculations on how much kids cost.

    the first one is about $280k and you only save about 20k for each subsequent kid. that does NOT include education.

    think about where all that money could go, over 18 years, if you had it in your pocket.

    my boss spends about 10k/year to educate her two kids... that's 3 major, multi-country excursions right there.

    • Like 1
  2. dear peanut


    the place fell off cuz of the login issue and peeps didn't come back

    we need a community to have a good forum








    dear hurricanes


    thanks for holding off







    dear morocco and portugal


    less than 3 months babies



  3. MV5BMTI3MzYxMTA4NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDE4ODg3Mg@@._V1_SX214_.jpg




    yo.. is that the one where everyone & everything is invisible, including the poster?


    really enjoyed it


    eh, just joking/talking shit.. maybe its showing up for everyone else




    theonlyg is not delivering.

    so disappoint!


    I have no idea what movie you're referring to symbols LOL


    But anyways Gomorrah was good seen it a while on the flix



    you posted broken links

    they may be visible for you, but they don't show up for anyone else.

    and your screen name is theonlyg?

    :rolleyes: c'mon son.

  4. dear SM


    this isn't 12ozmatch.com?

    tell it to the several married couples and people living together for years that hooked up through this site

    12oz has spawned at least 2 kids i know of

    crew used to joke you weren't really crew till you hooked up with an oontz chick




  5. wow morton, that's a good lil rundown


    your comments don't seem negative at all, i get the tourist hustle thing... i just got back from bangkok after all

    i'm simply not sure i'll have the time to do everything everyone suggests.. in fact i know i won't

    my trips are almost always short but, my philosophy is it's better to have a quick getaway than none.

    we won't be able to go further south than marrakech but the good news for us is that we're coming from tangier by land so we'll see some of the country


    i'll be with my man and a friend of ours, hopefully she won't get accosted too much

    egypt wasn't bad though, being with a man so i think we'll be ok.

    luckily we're all from a pretty dangerous east coast city so even if shit goes down we can prolly handle it


    i will read up, good suggestion.

    i usually try to do a lot of that myself... cambodia for example, i really read up on first.

    i can't watch a video at work, but i love chocolate haha will definitely check it out


    thanks all

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