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12oz Original
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Posts posted by !@#$%

  1. damn ^ working today?


    I'm chilling - BBQ later on.


    i actually don't mind

    i'm the first author on this paper and i am so ready to put this bitch to bed

    addressing some reviewer concerns and naturally, things don't wanna cooperate.


    i got up so damn early today

    bout to go home

  2. if you have a buddy, Montreal will prolly be cool

    it's a lovely city


    but i found the people there to be fucking insufferable

    if the french have a shit rep in north america, i blame it on french-canadians, who make the french look like the most unassuming, friendly, down-to-earth folks on earth in comparison.

  3. BOATS i haven't been that far north in europe


    if i were you i'd go to the place where i could (take a little trip to) see the Northern Lights. i really wanna do that thnough ..i think Olso or Helsinki would work for that. might depend on time of year.


    looking at what else those places have to offer on tripadvisor, i'd prolly choose Stockholm. but that's me.

  4. Dear dude,

    For an about to be 30 yr old you seem to need to get your shit together soon. And fast.

    I also wish you'd recognize how much shit I've done and do for you. "Aint no one gonna love you better!" *insert ghey singing here*




    dear seyer


    i've found that people are generally who they are by the time they're about 25.

    if someone hasn't gotten it together by then, chances are good they never will

    this opinion has held up well as i've gotten old(er.)

    also, inconsiderate people don't usually become considerate.

    good luck with all that








    dear me


    i'm glad you can still get out there and do it to it,

    even at your ripe age



  5. Dear world,


    200 cities, 34 countries and fucking counting on.

    yeah i did it.. bought MORE plane tickets

    Morocco, Portugal I'll see ya soon babies.

    Spain & Turkey, will be good to see you again





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