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Posts posted by !@#$%

  1. I do not doubt that you are being truthful Symbols but at that food budget I have a hard time seeing how you arrive at a balanced, nutritional and varied diet.


    That comes out to $1.67 per meal, perhaps there are some regional price differences at play here but such a budget in my neck of the woods would not cut it.


    On the subject of saving while working with limited resources, the simple fact of the matter is that when you are poor everything costs more money, not less making savings difficult.


    I strive to operate in a defined budget and save aggressively when I can, but there is only so far a person can cut. The big cuts require lifestyle changes but pay off big over time, not owning a car is a good example of such a cut, it can really pay off but is not feasible for everyone.


    that's why you make choices that allow you to save the big bucks

    like moving to a city where you don't need a car

    or getting a job you can walk to.


    these things don't just 'happen'

    they take years of work to develop.

    and i don't care how you analyze my food budget, it's enough to feed me, and feed me well.

    maybe you are not realizing, i don't east 3 goddamn meals a day with meat like everyone drills into your skull as some phantom necessity.

    maybe people can also grow food.

    maybe people can steal shit.

    some people dumpster dive, and do it well. (i don't have to steal or dive, but i know how to if i needed it.)

  2. we gave up heating the house for the past 3 years and i've never had AC or cable

    and i've found some creative ways around doing lots of laundry or going out.

    in 2010 i made a resolution to stop shopping and i haven't bought any clothes or 'stuff' since.

    i'm down to a grocery budget of about $35/week

    one nice thing about owning your own home and being an anti-social who hates drinking and loves cooking, life is cheaper.


    my retirement fund is looking ok, hopefully it weathers the numerous crashes it'll likely see before i actually retire.

  3. dear sm


    i don't experience wildlife much, never seen a coyote.

    but i'd say just act crazy and make a lot of noise and wave your arms and shit. dunno.

    then run. hahaa



    dear cali


    ebbs and flows.

    or another cliche: all good things must end

    either way fuck it

    only do shit cuz you enjoy it.



  4. I don't care for LA much. venice beach is great to people watch and walk around in though.

    and without a car.. damn. dunno. check out IOU's LA photography thread in Untitled, you can prolly get some good shit from that.



    I'll finally be a spring breaker at my advanced age. headed to cancun next month.

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