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Posts posted by !@#$%

  1. redeye,


    you have my sincerest condolences.

    in my experience it doesn't really get any easier..

    prepare to get your heart ripped out every mother's day.

    :heartbeat: fo eva



  2. dear cali

    re: doh thermos


    that's tragic.

    i had some cool toys that are pretty much all in the wind at this point

    did manage to hang onto my schwinn mini-thrasher though.








    dear interpretive dance,


    suck it



  3. dear noem


    i have heard of people doing it.. the guy who was under intense scrutiny by the FBI for anthrax actually had his career ruined because they found out, and revealed, he'd never held a PhD, just done a lot of the work for it.

    i'm the same way... odds are very good i can get away with saying i'm a PhD because of my publication record. no one would question it unless they knew me.

    that said, background checks are getting more and more intense.

    it's been a long time since i went through hardcore interviewing but twice i know they did check my diploma


    why can't you just go back and fulfill those last credits?

    could you do it at a community college and transfer it over?


    you can easily say on your resume how much college you had and it will look better than none, but lying could get you sued in the end, esp if you are dealing with kids and education. part of the problem is that a degree shows that you can jump hoops and play by rules and fulfill requirements even when it's a big o bitch and not necessarily for your career. i mean shit, i did not need tai chi and bowling for a biochem and molecular biology degree, but i had to do it.


    my advice, is that it would be a lot less stress to just go back and finish your degree...

    or see if you can get the credits you have to qualify you for something, even if it's only an AA


    academia !@#$%

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  4. ^the dollar has been getting stronger at least, it's not where it once was, but it's still not a great rate

    also, ireland is pretty much an island, and shit is always more expensive on an island.


    this thread should pop off a lot more since i'm traveling cross country to portlandia in september. i unlike kir(completely and utterly) have a permanent destination but no real time frame...


    in search of vast, cool, or interesting routes/blogs about routes/sites having to do with etc, etc......props issued to any solid directional advice.[/color][/b]


    i drove cross country and it was a random route, decided along the way.

    my mission was to see as many national parks as i could. it had started with a trip to the South Dakota Badlands but just went nuts after that.. we went to Yellowstone, Yosemite, saw Mt Rushmore and Devil's Tower (which was awesome) as well as Death Valley, Grand Canyon, Glacier National Park and some other places..

    my major pieces of advice:

    be prepared to get pulled over. once i got across the Mississippi it was like an east coast plate announced "i have shit in the trunk" ...the cops weren't awful. dealt with them in nevada and oklahoma


    take the byways, NOT highways. i've done cross country travel by car before, and this time it was so much more fun and interesting because i didn't take major roads that basically show you billboards, walmarts, and strip malls.

    if you are into national parks, get a pass (it's about $80) and go to a whole bunch.. they are amazing

    if not, try to stake out some cool places to see, like the huge UP yard in nebraska or the geographic center of the country..


    i took my dogs and stayed in la quintas, motel 6 or stopped at rest stops. all were fine ..8,383 miles in 12 days.. $630 in gas.

    i did a ton of research for the trip and cool diners and roadside attractions are not as common as i thought they'd be.

    we ate in a cool drive-in in la crosse, WI .. i found a good pizza spot in minneapolis, good breakfast food in Lexington, KY, nice muffins in Kalispell, MT.. gotta stop whenever shit looks cool. ... per my man, we also saw a lot of short-line RRs


    Any of you chunts ever been to Cambodia?

    I gots my ticket, also thinking of ducking into Laos or Vietnam if time permits.

    Any tips, anything I should know?

    Specifically good/bad food to know about?

    Can police shoot at you if they catch you painting?

    etc etc


    my homie has been to southeast asia so many times, he got a wife there

    he loves it. he went to laos and cambodia and told me crazy stories anout pizza with marijuana and young prostitutes.

    can't really issue advice except to say you'll probably have a great time

    the painting thing seems pretty chill in thailand, not like you are going to get shot.

    i think it's just a more dicey situation in general in cambodia and (not so much but still) laos

  5. Dear Anyone


    Within 24 hours of leaving the family, I have a full time job sorted, monday to friday, no bank holidays and a 10 minutes walk from my house! Which means I'm sorted for seeing my son.


    Might have sorted a few painting spots too.


    Shit is finally looking up!







    so glad you finally pulled the trigger

    sure, sometimes shit doesn't work out when you take a risk,

    but sometimes ... it makes your life amazing


    fuckin awesome you went for it!



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