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12oz Original
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Posts posted by !@#$%

  1. actually it's gone way down

    the new post doc got her 'welcome' party last night, someone busted out her car window and took her GPS. and get this, she's foreign, and thought it was a good idea to store her license inside the car.




    it's not so bad here though. one nice thing about living in a dangerous city, the police generally leave you alone.

    these days when i read the murders, most seem targeted and not very random


    ..for example from last week:


    Dexter Jones, a 23-year-old African-American man, was shot in the right side in the 1800 block of Ashburton Street near CSU. Police officers in the area allegedly saw Guy Thomas, a 22-year-old African-American man, run from the scene and throw away a weapon.


    Ronnell Chaney, a 20-year-old African-American man, was walking with a friend in the 500 block of East 21st Street when two or three people came out of a vacant lot across the street and started shooting at Chaney. His friend was able to take cover and was not hit. Chaney was shot in the head.





    if, somehow, you'd be interested in coming this way to try to get some experience or go to school let me know, i have connections. unfortunately, even though i work in another medical school, i have no pull with admissions committees..

  2. well it is not coming through


    you see fella, i'm poking fun


    like you, i have been here for years and i actually know what a username is.

    i know it may be hardt for you to comprehend that though, since you felt you had to point it out.

  3. yeah, last lab i was in some dude thought he could publish his way into med school (his grades were not good) .. i didn't have the heart to tell him there was no way he'd get a publication significant enough to help his situation.


    if you were closer i'd say you could probably do some 'volunteer' work that would get you an authorship, but i'm in my friend's new lab so we don't have much money to throw around.


    are you experienced in molecular? do have access to a lab bench right now?

  4. dear cali


    i guess that's a drawback to the thick chicks

    surely there are plenty of girls out there who can handle taking it from the back while standing on tiptoe, and nothing has to be pushed 'out of the way'

    or at least a girl who can bend all the way over and rest her hands on the bottom of the tub while you get a grip.



  5. A KILO of mussels with white wine, chilli, tomato sauce. I dunno what it's called but it was shithot. Also some nice crusty ciabatta bread and organic pear cider (notahipsterjustlikepearcideroner)


    it's called diarrhea

  6. dear Cali


    glitches mang

    and you aren't missing anything.







    dear internet


    you continue to amaze me

    i managed to watch the hunger games half nekkid in my living room the day after it came out in the theaters. so effin sweet.






    dear hunger games movie


    i couldn't be more sick of shaky camera work

    way to take the vitriol out of it

    a solid whitewashing, i'd say



  7. i know two people who hung themselves


    one did it so his neck snapped (probably) hanging from a banister over a height of at least 15 feet


    this other guy though, hardcore alcoholic who had a self-loathing problem

    he wrapped a cord around his neck and hung it from the handle of his freezer, sat down at his kitchen table, and drank a bottle of vodka, essentially choking himself to death slowly over a period of hours



    i'd think if you messed up, you wouldn't paralyze yourself, because if you interrupted the activity to the brain you'd die eventually, even if your neck didn't break.

    breaking your neck in an accident that severs the spinal cord, i'd think, is a traumatic injury that would be hard to duplicate with a rope and the force of gravity.

    if you didn't sever the spinal cord, and only interrupted brain activity and were discovered in time, you could possibly be resuscitated with severe brain damage. the guy i knew is probably lucky that didn't happen




    let me know how beautiful & damned is..

  8. lots of fun with choose your own adventures, but there weren't enough options sometimes


    What does nostalgia mean/do to you all? I feel weird looking at this thread, all my childhood memories flood in with the late 80's early 90's toys/games/movies. In one way it's kinda nice but on the other hand it gets me all upset and reminds me of some of the fucked up things that happened when I was younger... I dunno anyone else tie nostalgia with depression or is it all "The good 'ol days" to you?


    Honest response would be greatly appreciated, and I'll drop some gems in here later.



    for me, i don't really get nostalgic. it is only memories of a time gone by.

    my formative years were difficult, lots of hard times. looking at this shit though, in no way makes me sad or upset. going through the crap i dealt with as a kid made me who i am, and luckily i guess, it wasn't so painful that it destroys me. i am not a person who wishes to return to my teens, or college, or any time. i'm ok in the present, probably because i didn't listen to what society dictated for life's blueprint, and followed my own entirely. there are no 'good ol days'


    depression is another issue for me, unrelated to a time or place. plenty of mental illness in my fam, 3 of 4 great grandparents on one side committed suicide. it's just part of life for me, and not part of age or era

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  9. i'm guessing not

    i was a precocious and angsty little kid so it was right up my alley.

    i seriously doubt i could stand their whining at this stage of my game


    honestly, they were probably more like me at the age i was then, then they are like me now

    with the possible exception of the arty chick who was dating a much younger guy

  10. ice pops are still around, they are better





    and that list of people from SNL, while they may be decent comedic actors, i didn't like them on SNL

    Dana Carvey for example. BLECH

    Kevin Nealon might be one of my least liked SNL cast members of all time.

    and while I like Adam Sandler, I didn't like him on SNL. Mike Meyers had some good skits, but Simon (in the bathtub, with the drawerings) for example, can eat a dick

  11. Fuck yeah, remember when SNL was actually consistently funny, not just a few gems per season, but really funny?


    the show has ups and downs


    having seen it for about 25 years now, i'm confident that it was awful in the nineties.

    phil hartman was the only good thing for ages.

    jan hooks, victoria whoever and that idiot who did the news? barf.


    way funnier now, started with tina fey and poehler, now it's kristen wiig, jason sudekis, and andy samberg... shit most of the cast is good now.


    steve martin and the other amigo used to pop in .. those dudes were terrible

    i prefer timberlake

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