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Everything posted by pat-the-baker

  1. would you delte the last few pages of the irish thread fucking hell dry snitching all over the place its ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. im not being a spambot jeesus christ im on the oontz for years im just sharing a site that i think is dope! i cant post pics i have no camera.
  3. funny thing is it does actually work look it up on youtube
  4. so my friend linked me to this site and i was sceptical at first but after watching a few youtube videos about it and reading up on it i gave it a shot, basically you get points for using a search engine and then you can cash in the points for loadsa stuff like guitars,psps,iphones,amazon vouchers,itunes vouvhers etc. its fucking dope and i already got a psp and a ps3, it takes a bit of time but well worth it cos ur getting free stuff and i know theres bums on here who wouldnt say no to some free shit for a few hours work :lol: i nearly have enough points to get some more shit and that only took an hour a day for a week! doppppppe register here :) http://swagbucks.com/?cmd=sb-register&rb=757037
  5. that story posted is so dope but so disgusting
  6. his bebo's deleted? at least delete the pic its bad taste
  7. bit much to be posting picture of his face and a link to his bebo man video was funny
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