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Everything posted by madsencarl

  1. madsencarl

    Head On!

    i'm suprised this thing has lasted so long.
  2. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD trash, unless i've already gotten aids.
  3. this thread is full of gangsters.
  4. ok, i've got some problem that's bugging me a bit. ok, usually at school, i hit off emails to people from another school, using the school email. all was good. however, they suddenly blocked outgoing emails to that schools email, but i can still recieve them. they're registered in my sent items box but nobody is getting them. is there a way around this? cheers. edit: and no i wont use hotmail or anything, shit's really slow on the school network.
  5. madsencarl

    Head On!

    sorry, i need a caption for the last one.
  6. Re: What are you doing right now? anyone who said anything other than 12oz, TV (laptop), listening to music is lying.
  7. madsencarl

    Head On!

    Apple directly to the forehead!
  8. Re: Great Pictures~ i want great pictures, not funny pictures. asshole.
  9. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> can someone tell me if second life will run on my comp with 750mb ram, and an intel 82865g graphics controller (96mb)? thankyou.
  10. you can get an invite to demonoid from a user i think..
  11. Re: Splinter in The Shitter do bigger scams, duh.
  12. just looking at the cover makes me wanna puke.
  13. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> can somebody hook me up with vista and how to install it?
  14. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> i mean like, what's so good about having your own.
  15. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> what's so good about myspace?
  16. madsencarl


    i'm hanging out for realistic virtual reality.
  17. madsencarl


    safran is a legend. i actually had lunch with him and his family once. when i was like 8.
  18. Re: Great Pictures~ put up the mickey d's arches and prep for double penetration
  19. Re: Great Pictures~ my terrorist pic got deleted
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