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Everything posted by IrishCarBombs

  1. We will be celebrating MG's 15,000 post tonight at the red devil lounge. PM me in advance to tickets to get in. Twist will be painting live behind Modest Mouse. $30 all the PBR you can drink wristband. Limited edition Rebel8 shirt giveaways. After party at her crib.
  2. Brooklyn Cop Falls To His Death A 10-year veteran of the NYPD fell to his death this morning after being pushed down stairs and over a railing by a career criminal on St. Marks Place in Boerum Hill, cops said. Officer Alain Schaberger, 42, of the 84th Precinct was attempting to handcuff George Villanueva, 42, when he was pushed. "Villanueva began to struggle with the officers, pushing Officer Schaberger over the railing and down a cement stairwell, which leads to the basement," said Police Commissioner Ray Kelly at a press conference at Lutheran Hospital today. Schaberger's neck was broken after he fell nine feet. At 4:22 a.m. cops responded to a 911 call at 334 Bergen St. A female, 48, whose name has not been released, said Villanueva had threatened to kill her, cops said. “He said he’s going to kill me,” the woman said in the 911 call. “He said he’s across the street and he’s going to kill me, and ‘Don’t call the cops.’” A second call to 911 came five minutes later from a security guard at the building. Cops have responded to domestic violence calls 12 times before at this address, cops said, and the woman has a restraining order against Villanueva. He was arrested for acts of domestic violence on February 4 and 9 and has been arrested 28 times before, mostly for burglary and robbery. He was released from prison in 2005. When cops arrived, Villanueva had already fled to his apartment at 45 St. Marks Place. He had to be tasered before cops could get him down, sources said. A neighbor heard shouts from the street early this morning. "Our room faces the street, we heard screaming and yelling. We looked outside and saw cop cars and figured they had it under control," said the neighbor, who lives two doors down from 45 St. Marks Place. The entire length of St. Marks Place between Third and Fourth avenues is closed while the investigation continues. There are no charges against Villanueva yet. He is being held at Woodhull Hospital. http://parkslope.patch.com/articles/brooklyn-cop-falls-to-his-death-2
  3. sweet looking dog serum. he doesn't look too amused. eats better then me.
  4. interesting video... http://www.thestolenscream.com/
  5. oh shi bezt totally stole that one face from jughead. jughead > bezt
  6. cat steals neighbors stuff http://www.sun-sentinel.com/videobeta/9d6b327c-afde-4c2b-bf58-93b5a70f6901/News/Calif-Cat-burglar-returns-stolen-loot funny
  7. http://www.turtlefeathers.net/text/angelus/dye.html http://www.wardrobesupplies.com/store/fiebingss.html they aren't magic though. So you wont be able to turn dark colors light. ie black to white.
  8. changing a stained dirty pair of these. into these... running out of suede dye though. final product subject to change.
  9. not very far at all. in fact his "aborted fetus c" might even be a step back.
  10. lol when i was listening they were looking for a 16yr run away girl. One squad car pulled over another car for having a bloody front bumper haha also a couple of robberies.
  11. Chicago police scanner live stream. http://www.dxzone.com/cgi-bin/dir/jump2.cgi?ID=9800 interesting.
  12. watch jesus saves takes it with a burner.
  13. IrishCarBombs


    super excited for BF3. loved the dead island trailer, regardless of it having nothing to do with the game. however I'm not liking the only 4 playable character thing though.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF-oQ41w3lo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF-oQ41w3lo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF-oQ41w3lo
  15. hard times in the bronx. remo got a new 9-5
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