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Everything posted by loseryouthcrew

  1. so i'm starting to mess with long night exposures since it's getting dark so early these days. took this one earlier tonight and would like some feedback on it. i believe it was about a 10 minute exposure
  2. had a night shooting session with some friends last night. this was probably my favorite shot out of the bunch.
  3. has anyone on here ever tried this.... http://gizmodo.com/5674647/shooting-challenge-freelensing i was trying to figure out how to do it with no much luck so far. i'll def have to mess with it some more.
  4. i also hope to still be shooting in 5-10 years. i feel like i've come along way in photography. i remember being in high school and i got into punk and hardcore and started to borrow my mom's point and shoot camera and i had no idea how to use it what film speeds and all that stuff meant. i shot from the back of the room mostly until i learned you obviously get better pics standing up closer to the bands. i moved to the bay area when i was 21 and needed a job and just basically applied at anything that had a help wanted sign in the window. i wound up getting a job at wolf camera where i bought my first slr and shot shows like crazy because i could get free film and developing. i was getting some pictures in bands records and zines which i was pretty stoked about. i quit that job to go on tour with a friends band for the summer and didn't really take pictures for about 4 years and then decided to pick up a digital slr. i've been shooting digitally for about 2 years now and when i started i still didn't know much about apeture white balancing editing shooting in raw etc, but i've learned so much from friends i shoot with and this thread. some of my graffiti pictures have been used on blogs and in magazines which is awesome. while i'm not really into photography in hopes of becoming a professional i really like that my work is being used by people that think it's good enough to be used in their magazines or on their blogs. anyway i guess what i'm trying to say is i really hope i keep improving in my skills in the next 5-10 years and i hope a lot of us are still posting on this forum. it looks like it's my turn tomorrow to post in the portfolio thread which i'm looking forward to. ok i'll end this long ass rant now. haha.
  5. looking forward to posting in the portfolio thread i'm excited and nervous about what i'm gonna post. looking forward to looking at everyone elses work as well.
  6. i'd be totally down for that idea. i don't feel like i post as much as other people in this thread nor am i as good as some people in this thread, but i'm honored that i was on the list. but yeah great idea let's do it!
  7. some pictures i've taken lately that aren't graffiti or live music related...
  8. i guess while we're on band photography here's 2 that i took at burning love and coliseum the other night. my camera and flash were acting all weird i think probably because the flash batteries are low, so i didn't get anything that amazing... the rest are on my flickr if anyone wants to check em out... http://www.flickr.com/photos/loseryouthcrew
  9. thanks for the advice on the truck photo. i'm gonna go back and crop it more. here's another night shot i did recently. i shot at 1600 ISO so that's why it's so grainy, but i still like the way it came out. will be posting more non graffiti related stuff soon...
  10. so i know this is graffiti related and really doesn't belong in this thread, but i'm stoked on the way it came out. my only issue with it is should have i cropped it a bit more? any feedback would be great. thanks.
  11. Black Breath Glasses Grace Alley also i just started a blog if anyone on here wants to follow it... http://www.walteryetmanphotography.blogspot.com
  12. are you saying gay in response to my zine? don't like it, don't buy it.
  13. Harsh Truth of the Camera Eye-Bay Area Graffiti Zine Issue #1 out now-interviews with Death (FTL) Csaw (HCM) and Civ (FTL) I have about 40 or so copies left. 10 of them will come with a Death sticker which I'll throw into random orders. $4 PPD via paypal. e-mail me at walteryetman@gmail.com if you want one and i'll get you my paypal info etc. here are some sample pages from the zine...
  14. Harsh Truth of the Camera Eye-Bay Area Graffiti Zine Issue #1 out now-interviews with Death (FTL) Csaw (HCM) and Civ (FTL) I have about 40 or so copies left. 10 of them will come with a Death sticker which I'll throw into random orders. $4 PPD via paypal. e-mail me at walteryetman@gmail.com if you want one and i'll get you my paypal info etc. here are some sample pages from the zine...
  15. thanks man i try not to post graffiti stuff in this thread, but i thought that was too good not to post
  16. 20 eyes-yes trash talk is putting out a book. i guess they put one out last year for sound and fury and they're putting another one this year. i guess they basically just ask friends to do whatever they want for the book-drawings, photos, writings, etc and then do a collaboration with everything. i'm curious to see how it will look. the singer just did an article for NME magazine and they used some of my photos in that which i'm pretty stoked on. on a side note since they just changed flickr all around how do i post photos on here now? i keep trying and it just looks like broken links when i post them.
  17. sorry these are kinda graf related, but i really like the way they came out. the first 2 were taken for the new book the band trash talk is putting out soon.... this one i was out shooting with a friend and just like the way it came out with him in the pic....
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