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Everything posted by loseryouthcrew

  1. digging that photo with the spray paint cans and the leaves!
  2. for sure. i wish the crowd was more into it. i just liked the picture because it's a good shot of the dude singing. i def am gonna step my game up this year and do more crowd photos and not just photos of the band playing. my dad sent me his old canon FT as he knew i was looking for a film camera to start shooting with again. i finished a roll yesterday and took it to get put on a CD got it home and the CD says it doesn't have images on it. took it back to the place that did it and they checked on 2 computers and the images were on there. so weird. thinking about investing in a film scanner, so i don't need to worry about that happening more. also does anyone on here with an iPhone use instagram? if you do follow me i'm trying to get better about posting pictures on there. my username is walteryetman.
  3. graffiti related, but I took this last night and I'm stoked on how it came out....
  4. some pictures from a show I went to last night... Skin Like Iron The Men Nomos
  5. from stuff from today.... me and some photographer friends got into an abandoned ice skating rink... digging those shots from load limit and that rough road sign. my dad just sent me his old canon FT which I started shooting with today. The first half of the roll isn't gonna come out as my friend was looking at the camera and pointed out I had been shooting on bulb. Ugh. Trial and error I guess. I'm stoked to be shooting film again though.
  6. thanks again for the feedback mayor i really appreciate it!
  7. that shot about the bird shot was for Lopem by the way.
  8. ah gotcha. and I shot that with a nikon d80 with a tamron 10-24mm lens. and i'm glad you like it. that bird shot you posted rules as well!
  9. thanks! I'm not sure I really did anything to the first one-I shoot with a wide angle so if I did anything with lens distortion I must have done it on accident haha. And yeah that lesson #1 thing had me cracking up when I saw it.
  10. what ones do you want to use? shoot me an email at walteryetman@gmail.com and we'll talk.
  11. thanks dude and yeah i don't think that was iz the wiz. believe me if it was i would have gone in for a closer shot!
  12. so i started a new flickr account for my non graffiti and music shots if anyone wants to add me as a contact it's http://www.flickr.com/photos/walteryetman. here's some shots from that account. i figured it's time to start shooting other stuff as i'm wearing out all my graffiti spots and there's no good shows i wanna shoot coming up. anyway a few from this weekend.... not sure if i like this one or not.... this last one might not be SFW just a heads up. it's a dead cat photo....
  13. took this one tonight and i like it and i don't like it all at the same time if that makes any sense. i like how the lights kinda came out all trippy looking. i don't like it because i wish you could see the graffiti a little bit better. any opinions on it are great.
  14. the water one annoys you? weird. i guess i can see that. it's funny because i posted it like an hour ago on flickr and it's hardly gotten any views while the one right below it which is a pretty generic graffiti photo already has like 50 haha. oh well. glad you like the other one though.
  15. 2 decent ones from today... checking to make sure the coast is clear.... abandoned warehouses plus graffiti plus puddles make good photos....
  16. cool thanks for the advice guys. i'm going out with a photo friend tomorrow night and i'll have to mess around with my f stops and see how they come out. anyway i shot photos of hour of the wolf last night. here are some good ones from that...
  17. waffle-usually 3.5-5.6 most of the time. it's really not a huge deal as what i wanna shoot is usually in focus, but the stuff on the edges is slightly out of focus. you can't really notice it unless you zoom way in on the picture. thanks for the info though. and ohmygosh i'm digging all those shots. i miss exploring in the woods and finding stuff like that.
  18. so i noticed while editing some photos today that some stuff in the corners of my photos are out of focus. generally i shoot most stuff in auto focus. anyone know what the problem would be that's causing this? i shoot with a d80 and a tamron 10-24 mm lens.
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