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Everything posted by MARRERO BEAST

  1. i could go on about the phun outline but i wont.
  2. Flixxx your stuff is good but.... On that vares out line theres alot of unnecesary little... umm.. i dont know what to call them but little bars that just rest on your letters that dont even connect to the letters or contribute to the letters. I would take those out and make your letters no so stretched out looking and compact everything just a little bit and i think it will look better. Yea and take out those bits on each side of the peice they dont even come off of anything... No what you should do is keep the bits but try to figure out a way for them to come off a peice or bar of the letter.
  3. No... Toys always had mentors in the beginning because everyone was still learning so it was accepted if you didnt know jack shit. Now theres a shit load of ignoramuses who try to make up their own rules and ideas on graffiti instead of reading up and learning from the pros. No one wants helps you because you dont help yourself.
  4. wooooweeeee. I just realized this thread has come down to toys helping toys. Will not work. Someone needs to step in!
  6. hahaha i swear this made me laugh out loud
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