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Everything posted by FuLaSauRuS

  1. why is this in brick slayers?...lame
  2. what happened iwht Great?...I remember seeing ONLY Great and Bates together...now it's only Bates..
  3. obviously vatoe's mission isn't to become the next picasso....now lets move on... doesn't get much better than that audio up there....dayumn..
  4. RIP ynot.. Audio is one crazy bastard....(in a good way)
  5. bullshit...my best friend works for NS and he sits on a booth watching trains go by with a fucking clip board...hard work my ass.
  6. some shits for fun and practice...digital painting
  7. Ron Paul 2008!!!! I knew there had to be a topic on here...
  8. Ron Paul 2008 yo! so people can keep wrecking shit. :)
  9. props to the people who went and showed some real skill... oooo "montana paint" whatever...if the pieces are hot, its hot....that's what the event is about fuck the little kids who think they're badass bombers who STILL go to these events and paint shitty pieces and then criticise other cats who spent a little more time on their pieces as art fag shit... they're the retarted ones for flying/driving hundreds of miles for a piece that took them 30 minutes at most and they "always freestyle" their ass-pieces... fuck you haters..get off the internet and of your suburb home and your tight ass
  10. Re: ------->_REAL_L.A._GRAFF_<-------- are you my dad?
  11. I'm not even from STL and I've seen vatoes shit everytime I went through...all the way to KC.
  12. you have 1041 posts and you still don't know not to make a new topic for a stupid question?...have you ever thought about asking your question in the Missouri thread?
  13. dont like those but some of those meta fills are nice..
  14. a lil' something I found while taking a dump in a jimmy john's 2 hours away from KC
  15. damn...bump connecticut..I come in here and all I see is dedication and freshness...keep it up!
  16. that first "sico" sketch is it supposed to be some wannabe sento cheap imitation? try not to bite someone who's style is so recognizeable...
  17. kids fucking up a lot of history on those walls...
  18. yup...that's what happens lol.
  19. not a lot of experience airbrushing....these are my first attempts...done about a year ago..
  20. its easy to whine and complain...why don't you post some flix of walls if it bothers you so much?...SHUT UP.
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