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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Re: TEAM ALCO Ahh man, McWilliams Fruitwood, $6 and 2 bottles get you smashed. Goes down like water!!
  2. Re: TEAM ALCO yeah, the ultimate value beverage. I much prefer wine though these days when I am on a budget, it is even cheaper again!
  3. Yeah I get ya. Fucken torrents are going weird for me hey, I have had them going all day but they have only just connected to the trackers. Weird as.
  4. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I have a soere wrist from passing Carry me home on Guitar Hero 2 and failing after 55% of Psychobilly freakout. Fuck that song!
  5. Re: EAT up a pitcher of gold fish Is that the bike from Akira?
  6. OK, I ran a speedtest at speedtest.net, and I only got a result of 1292/212kbps. I am meant to be 1500/256, so why am I getting such a low result? I just ran a scan with asquared and AVG antispyware (as I was only getting a 300K Download rating before) and got rid of all the crap infections so why am I still slow?
  7. Re: TEAM ALCO Im still lost as to what a 5th is, but if it is 700ml then I can surely cosign. Although I have been moderating my intake since I have an exam in 4 days.
  8. Re: TEAM ALCO I think having your collar popped doesn't allow you to tilt your head back to get the end of your drink down well enough. Time to drop your collar boy!! Pop quiz, what is your favorite alcoholic beverage?
  9. Re: TEAM ALCO Bump for hte weekend! I'm drinking McWilliams Fruitwood at the moment. I couldn't be bothered drinking the beer in my fridge as I couldn't be fucked feeling bloated. SO DAMN SWEET!! Shit!!
  10. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread What concert was that? He sounds like he had it coming to him though.
  11. Re: EAT up a pitcher of gold fish To the religion and the yes pics.
  12. Woo! I got it to work. I don't know how many times I created new files/folders though to get there! Going to have to go and delete all the rar files when I am done watching. Cheers for that link though, I doubt my torrent would even be finished by now.
  13. Ahh, it is defaulting to Winamp (which I hate). I'll try to open it with VLC. Thanks mate.
  14. Yeah I already figured that part out myself, got it to work, but when it opens in Winamp I am getting audio but no video. Could be a codec issue maybe? Drivers? I haven't updated in a while, would that be the problem?
  15. I still can't extract that movie. I moved all the rar files from my temp folder to my C: drive, and still no joy, as it only extracts 1 part at a time then even when I go to find the second part that is actually in the same parent rar file it won't work. Anyone else have any ideas?
  16. Will try in the morning, thanks casek. Goodnight all.
  17. Really? How do you activate that? And can you help me to unrar this bloody movie? It was in 4 parts, with 24 or 25 files total. I usualy just go to the first one, then click through that till I get to the internal file or whatever it is, then it usually automatically links them and plays the movie. Why isn't it working this time? (using Winrar too)
  18. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I will, I promise. Although last night I saw he was logged into Myspace, so maybe you shoudl contact him there?
  19. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Yeah I do sleep. I go in waves, like I'll have a couple of 10 hour straight thru nights, then back to the usual 5 or 6 hours. Last night I couldn't get to sleep due to the news I got from my ex, kinda fucked my head a little. What is spinning me out is I am not even taking my ADD meds, otherwise I would sleep even less. At the moment I am just waiting to get the last part of Hostel 2 started then I'll crash. I find it funny reading posts I make when I am tired, the grammar goes to shit, hahaa.
  20. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Edit: Too tired and can't read properly. :rolleyes:
  21. What the hell is a buddy pounce in Pidgin/gaim? I stumbled across it and was wondering if I could find out if people are hiding their status.
  22. Re: EAT up a pitcher of gold fish Thats what I was thinking!
  23. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Seriously some1, where did you hear this? And to have it in your sig! RIP if it is true, but I thought he maybe be taking a break to decide what bi-colour font scheme he was going to come up with next.
  24. I watched some BBC doco where the guy was trying to expose Scientology and it was pretty bizzare the way they followed him around and the way they try to discredit everyone who tries to expose them as a cult.
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