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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Re: butt fuck a pile of gold bricks What the fuck is that?
  2. Re: TEAM ALCO Damn man! From Coronas! I can have like a carton of them and still feel alright as long as I am moving around doing shit while drinking them. If I sit still on the couch or whatever, they get me slightly buzzed, but it takes alot of em.
  3. Re: TEAM ALCO I myself have calmed down in recent days due to my impending exams, but you know as soon as I am done, I will be shitfaced. I did polish off a bottle of wine last night that gave a nice buzz though. Fucken 2:35am and not even tired, and I have to get up at 8 on Thursday to rush to my exam. Gonna try to have a short sleep this morning like 4 or 5 hours so I can drop easily tomorrow night.
  4. Re: TEAM ALCO I'm sure you could give us a run for our money rush. Good to see the advice flowing in here guys, share your alcohol related tales, be they good or bad!!
  5. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I just watched the funniest reality show ever. It is called Meet my Folks, I have seen it a few times and every time I laugh, as it has 3 guys staying a chicks house tryign to wint the approval of them and they do all sorts of things to sort them out, such as: Revealing dirty little secrets: such as this episode where a guy was caught by his ex fucking a girl wearing nothing but a Superman cape Giving them retarded challenges to pull of dinner, like havign to rub the bald old mans head, or massage the chicks mum, otherwise more secrets are revealed. Letting the kids get drunk and swim next to the daughter, unaware that all the while the parents can turn on a tv to watch what they are up to Having the ex-girlfriends attend lunch to dish out some sordid tales from your past to the family you are staying with And finally, having the final guys sit a lie detector test where they are asked some of the worst questions, such as one guy, who had to deny sleeping with 8 girls in one alley and then writing their names on the wall. It mind sound stupid, but to go on this show and have your secrets revealed to the parents of a girl you might like, as well as the entire country, you would have to be pretty crazy. The worst part for me would be the ex, as I am pretty sure mine would crucify me, or just be jealous and not want me to win an overseas holiday with some other girl. I couldn't stop laughing at this shit, seeing the reactions when their secrets are revealed is priceless. Anyone else seen this shit?
  6. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Damn that shit is heavy! 56 women! That is a hell of alot!
  7. Re: TEAM ALCO Yeah, can't say I have seen it around, but then again, I don't really go looking for things like that. Will try to get onto the package next week when i finish exams, will pick some good booze for ya.
  8. Re: TEAM ALCO Hah nice recipe! I have no idea what goldschlagger is, but it sounds like it is yellowish in colour. You are more than welcome rushawn, cheers for the message on Myspace bro, you go tme motivated to study, haha!
  9. Re: TEAM ALCO Nah Tuesday mate. 1am here, and we are behind!! Even though everyone else is angry with Some1, Team Alco is still here for ya.....as long as you can have this shot of Chartreuse.....
  10. Re: TEAM ALCO Thats what I am off to do to knock myself out. need to wake up early for the early exam on Thursday.
  11. Re: TEAM ALCO WTF is a 17 year old gettin laid for? Lucky cunt! Anywa, I polished off a bottle of wine, haven't eatne in 8 hours, feeling good. Gonna go have a shower and maybe hit the sack... ...or not be able to sleep and come back on here.
  12. This is meant to be one of the worst movies around gor/theme wise. Is it seriously worth seeing?
  13. I saw this with no prior knowledge about it. I thought it might be about porn, as a woodsman is another name for a male porn star I am pretty sure. How wrong I was!! A good movie considering the disturbing subject matter. Won't be everyones cup of tea I am sure, but definitely worth a viewing. Here is the last movie I watched while waiting for Knocked up to download. I'll be watching that after I finish typing this, but this movie is the best PG movie a youth could see! Swearing! Boobs! Killer soundtrack! It had it all! Plus a cool car to boot!
  14. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Freebird was actually a piece of piss. Psychobilly was the hardest song on hard IMO, or Carry me home. Six is pretty hard as well, but it is definitely those 3. Time to step up to expert, I am not looking forward to it. Might have to wait til after exams.
  15. Re: TEAM ALCO Nice work guys. here is some songs you should listen to about the 12 steps you get taught in AA so you don't ever leave the team. As long as you can stand progressive rock you should be ok, and they are all part of 1 song, with maybe one more to come. And who says alcohol affects your memory when a heavy boozer is responsible for writing and remembering how to play this? http://www.sendspace.com/file/vr0zm3
  16. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Umm I haven't watched it, Dad took the dvd I burnt of it with him to watch with his gf. The end of Hostel 2 was worse, I hadn't seen anything liek that since Cannibal Holocaust In other news, I just made it up to the last songs on GH2 on hard. I beat Psychobilly Freakout with a pathetic score of like under 40000. Fuck that song, but breezed thru YYZ. I can see me having dramas with Freebird though, not so much the other songs. I guess persistence is the key and getting lucky with when you use your star power.:D
  17. Re: TEAM ALCO I know, hence why I have to reprogram my brain. I am trying to bring the tired part to the dominant thought position, that is usually occupied by beers or boobs. Need sleep. Goodnight all.
  18. OK, when you run asquared or AVG anti spyware, and it finds infections or whatever, is it better to quarantine them, or delete them? I have been deleting them everytime, but was unsure whether quarantining them means you don't get the same stuff again or whatnot. Whats the best thing to do in this scenario?
  19. I have to agree, I hate those lags too. If only WMP played everythign, I would just use that. I am using IE for the first time in a while (don't ask) and my computer seems to be loving it. I think since the last Firefox update installed the otehr day I have had some dramas. Has anyone else had ay browser issues over the past week and a bit?
  20. Re: TEAM ALCO Man, I so should blaze right now. I was just laying in my bed figuring out how I can reprogram my brain so all the info I need fo rmy exams is the first thing I access when I walk into that room netx week. Yes I should be asleep right now. Mt brain seemed to be working too quick so I came on here. For some reason my net is workign better with IE, and this page looks different. Please tellme I am not ahllucintaing.
  21. Re: TEAM ALCO I was thinking The Subi, but it doesn't really cater to drunken antics well enough. Yeah, I'll think a bit better when I am a buit more awake too.
  22. Re: TEAM ALCO Hah sweet! If you come across anymore of these bitchy friends, send em my way and I'll straighten em out, with a good hard fuck!! I don't envy your situation, as rentals are a fucken bitch to find unless you want to live in the sticks, but I am assuming your Mrs will be moving out with you, so that will help a fair bit. I might have to organise a Team Alco Perth meetup one of these days (after I finish exams/job interviews), any venues you think would be good?
  23. The one thing I dislike about VLC is how you have to move the actual cursor to skip ahead to a certain spot in the movie or it jumps all over the place. Annoying as anythign when watching dvds.
  24. Re: TEAM ALCO Weren't you staying at your parents investment property? Or have I confused you with somebody else? And did you make up with your missus after the other day? Or am I wrong again. (I am tired, semi drunk, and strugglign to keep my eyes open)
  25. Re: TEAM ALCO It is their cheapest label. The joys of the wine glut. There is also a SBS, Shiraz Cab, and Cab Merlot in that range at the same price. They are apparently not bad as well (had millions of people swear by them to me). The Mt Pleasant Phillip Shiraz is great, I have a bottle on my shelf at the moment I am trying to age for a while. A good steak and that stuff is magic!! That stuff is around $20Au though. But it is so worht it, probably my favorite cheapish wine there is. Edit: Thanks for the explaination, I think I got it before from EBPH or something, but they abolished most 750ml bottles for 700 ml ones in Oz due to tax reasons.
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