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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Good shit Zero. I am putting on weight. Time to start hitting the gym methinks.
  2. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Haha! Nah, I am sometimes in just the boxer shorts at the comp, but I find I get uncomfortable quicker as the paddign on my chair is dying quickly. Funny thing I was walking up the stairs at uni and this hot chick in front of me stumbled over due to her sandals and as she was wearing a skirt I got a full view. I couldn't laugh at her expense though as an equally hot brunette was looking at what I was looking at and I didn't want to attract attention.
  3. Re: TEAM ALCO Yeah, sounds like she has got to clean up her act or you have to clean her out of your life.
  4. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Fuck 53 hours! I am gonna have to spend like 7 or 8 on my last one tomorrow. After the 6 I spent today, and the other 6 hours or so spent prior to that. I hate vague marketing assignments, and the fact the group told me to not do anything tonight pissed me off.
  5. Seffiks the link to Comodo firewall doesn't work. i was gonna grab it but it is dead.
  6. My modem is still shutting off randomly. I did everything mentioned so far, but the main problem is with my MSN live-messenger. I started Gaim and haven't had any problem yet, so should I just re-install msn again? I only use msn as it allows me to show other eople what music I am listening to at what ever time. And should I install fasterfox if I am skirting my dl limit every month, as I only want it to download the pages I am going to visit
  7. My modem is still shutting off randomly. I did everything mentioned so far, but the main problem is with my MSN live-messenger. I started Gaim and haven't had any problem yet, so should I just re-install msn again? I only use msn as it allows me to show other eople what music I am listening to at what ever time.
  8. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread is satanas catface? User name changes would just confuse everyone, and the mods wouldn't know who to ban. But if they wanted they could delete the 5150 from my username.
  9. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I am tryiung to contact my group memebers so I can do this assignment with them but they are not answering my messages or emila. Fuck this, I need to get this shit sorted today so I can go wakeboarding tomorrow!!
  10. It ran chkdisk, and restarted. Now doing those two. My torrents are going at maximum speed, so maybe that fixed it?
  11. I ran CCleaner and it seems to have done something. I don't mind that prog, but it always requires me to re-enter my username and password to get back on here, which I hate. I'm running the disk doctor in Tuneup Utiliities at he moment, seeing what that says. Ahh it needs a restart. I'll try that and see what happens.
  12. I'm gonna try that. I have 1GB of RAM. But still, this never used to happen, it is only recently that this started to happen. Would it be because I have only 40GB left on my HD?
  13. I have to ask why is my modem resetting every so often? It is starting to do it more frequently by the day. It usually does it when I go to a Myspace with a heap of stuff on it.. Is it because I have 2 Instant messenger programs running simultaneously plus utorrent, and Firefox with a few tabs? Or is it something else altogether?
  14. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Who is that last pic of Seffiks?
  15. Re: TEAM ALCO OK, so here are some random pics of last night. XO shots prior to cracking the Woodford ^The beverage of choice for the night ^start of the food prior to the steaks and sausages being cooked.
  16. What about this one seffiks? I honestly have no idea. Edit: lost the link.:o
  17. Re: TEAM ALCO Replying to your message now. BTW ralphy the myspace is http://www.myspace.com/teamalco
  18. Re: TEAM ALCO Yeah fat ralphy you can be in. You ahve made me laugh on more than one occassion. Just go to the myspace and send a request. And I decided not to quit drinking, that would be stupid. I just have to quit getting crazy drunk when I am in certain peoples company.
  19. Re: TEAM ALCO Ahh I know that stuff. I had to take it for something when I was younger from memory. Sorry to hear about your liver, I hope you pull through it ok so you can continue to drink.
  20. Re: TEAM ALCO What meds fucked up your liver out of curiousity?
  21. Re: TEAM ALCO Well damn, I have a shitload of beer left. Due to winter everyone decided to hit the spirits. I don't think I will be able to just quit. Maybe just moderate my intake a little. Damn I was rambling this morning, the above post barely makes sense. I guess the bottle of Woodford did me in.
  22. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I know of tramadol. My dad had soem one time and was driving down the street wacked out from them, they make you pretty drowsy from what he said. Maybe I need some to cure me of this insomnia?
  23. Re: TEAM ALCO I know. I fucked up badly. It has made me think. I don't want to do it but maybe it is all I can do. I was betrayed by 2 people I trusted. Having them gang up on me was no fun.
  24. Re: TEAM ALCO Well I am glad you did it in honor of me. I don't deserve that. I am hereby quitting drinking. Somehting happened last night I don't want to go into. I am fucked. It isn't the liquors fault. It is mine.
  25. Re: TEAM ALCO Maybe. They are talented, I'll give them that, but after searching the net for some info on them, I find they apparently transcend the typical 'shred head genre' of fans, and are liked by scenesters and the like. I am not sure I could handle a concert (no matter how entertaining) with people I feel like smacking upside the head. The one person I wanted to take can't make it, I migth have to wait til my other mate gets back from watching NIN over east this week and see if he wants to go with me. Fuck havign mates who listen to music that you don't.
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