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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Mauler5150


    I dunno Theo, maybe it is 12oz and the endless deluge of rap lyrics rubbing off on me?? I might have arranged a job in Finance in the UK too thru a chick I met playing it. If that can happen then shit, it is much better than WoW..
  2. Can we please abolish hipster talk from this thread?
  3. Mauler5150


    Word. Need I say more??:lol::lol::lol:
  4. Mauler5150


    Shit I still don't know why you would play WoW when you can play Secondlife and actually pickup chicks and fuck them. That sounds alot more interesting to me than some ugly witch or whatever is in WOW. Adn you can make money from that game too, it is even better when you can find a hookup to low bulk real money on you. Shit you just all don't know....
  5. Mauler5150


    I seriously cannot understand WoW at all. if you wanna go play with dragons, fairies and all that shit hit up Zelda.
  6. OK polished of fthe Geisen Sauv Blanc last night after it sat in my fridge for way too long (liek 10 months or something). Shit was the nicest white wine I have drunk in my life ever!!! Seriously!! Try this out if you see it, it is pretty expensive for white but it is so worth it.
  7. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo Congrats on the gig, but since LI is the birthplace of the best guitar players in the world (IMO) I think your mate must be pretty good. On another not, I can't stop sneezing and it is pissing me off.
  8. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo OMFG! The latest episode of SYE, fucken funniest line I have ever heard in a tv show "Fucken next time someone calls you a fucken faggot, you open their asshole up, close the door behind you, take a spraypaint can with you, and spray 'Larry was here' in there". I'm alamost dying of laughter.
  9. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo I was thinking of going but unsure as to whether I will be here or not. Oh well.
  10. Well last night my brother decided that since he had never been to the strippers that he wanted to go. So I end up getting dragged out along with them, but all the strip joints were closed, so we went into town and pubbed it up. After my friend declared that cigarettes and beer, I knew the night wasn't going to be too exciting, apart from watching my brother get swarmed on by 4 40something divorcees. Shit was hilarious to watch, but I came to the conclusion that maybe sugar-mommas aren't such a bad idea when you are a young guy. I mean shit, if some old girl wants to have you around to fuck her and make her look good, in exchange for gifts or whatever, then I'm all for it. Seems like a great idea, especially when you know you can have something younger on the side in conjunction with your 'old boiler'. I mean shit, chicks have been doing this shit for years, maybe it is time us guys took some of their thinking and used it against them?? In all, you can tell I was drunk enough to fathom such an idea, but I once again reminded myself that eating KFC while sinking beers severely limits your capacity to consume said alcoholic beverage. Glad to see you are back too ZC, your story sounds mad. Hows school going mate??
  11. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo Some1 = Who'da thunk it? But seriously I know what you mean about these overly religious people living in a bubble. I have had to deal with them in the past myself... And rysh, all my friends just do shitkicker jobs, which I really shouldn't be doing with my qualifications.And I have been the one to usually get my friends their jobs, just now, no-one will return the favour.
  12. I was so trashed last night. Have a bad headache today, but it is from lack of sleep. I think EBPH just was having arguements with DirtyHabit, Ayebee. As if you couldn't tell from every post he has made in the past few days.
  13. Mauler5150


    So can we please take a poll of how many people on here have gotten 360s and had them fail? Because to me it seems as though there hasn't been 1 person on here, save for Theo who hasn't had 1 fuck up on them
  14. I thought you were getting your name changed to Bojangles Prime? I was into veedeo games and never got into this, but I know of a mullet wearing kid who did.
  15. Sorry puhfester, I have been slacking, due to my recent reluctance to go on myspace for more than 5 minutes at a time due to its love of resetting my modem and cutting off whatever more important shit i am doing a that time. I'll get around to deleting them once I have an afternoon nap. Also, any bitch that posts spam on there or my Myspace automatically earns her or her friends a post in the Myspace thread on here.
  16. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo Applying for jobs eats balls. Why weren't my Degree details saved when I applied for grad positions?? FUCK!!!
  17. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo Means he is totally banned and can't come back I think, or something along those lines. I still don't see what the issue is here, but anyway.....
  18. Hhaha maccas does that to you. Happened to me yesterday, or rather, last night. Had a huge feed from there, then was asleep for 12 hours within an hour of eating. So bad.
  19. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo Now he has been condemned? Wow....
  20. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo Seriously? Well ummm, that is taking it to extremes I think (on both sides) I'm glad I made you laugh with my crazy sounding voice on AIM some1.
  21. thanks casek, I already have pigin installed ;) But can you use voice calls and video etc with it?
  22. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo OK fair enough, but I don't even know who Maury Povich is. So are Theo and casek one of these 'get banned and come back all the time people' also? I know they have been banned a couple of times. But what I find funny, is that I had a whole Myspace group dedicated to hating on me, all done in secret where I couldn't access it. Similar thing with this apparent thread. At least if you are going to give someone shit (on the internet) at least do it in a place where they are able to retort (if they so choose to). Otherwise, you just end up looking rather lame (without the target even needing to reply to whatever has been written).
  23. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo What do you 2 have against EBPH anyway? Obviously I don't have access to said thread, so I don't know what was said and by whom, but, seems a little fishy to me..... And I doubt they would talk about us rushawn, as to my knowledge we are under the radar or something.
  24. Umm manute bol was talking to me on AIM yesterday, and he started a direct IM session, but it screwed up and now I can't talk to him anymore. I can type, but I can't press enter to send the IMs, and the send button is also not working. I can use audio chat and whatever, so maybe the problem is on my end. Any ideas how to fix it?? Or should I just get the update I have been putting off for ages?
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