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Everything posted by ILOTSMYBRAIN

  1. Ya seriously it's one man, they know he's coming, he's not armed or anything like that, sure I guess they don't know that for sure, but he's coming to have sex with a 14 year old girl, who claims she's alone why would he even have a weapon on him. They'res like a whole batallion outside waiting and then swamp thing jumps out of the bushes to make the arrest. I think this show's fucked up on one side and on another, I find it extremly humorous and just.
  2. I liked his last stand up, A big steaming pile of me, but wasn't he shouting about living is great and all that? Shame to see anyone take their own life. RIP Richard Jeni. BTW: Did they rule out if his girl was involved in his death or not?
  3. Thank the lord this is a heavly male influenced message board, or this shit would get spun around on guys right quick. I agree with you Mero, but most guy's need a fucking reality check too.
  4. Wait, is this true? I didn't hear this side of the story, but it would make them the perfect couple.
  5. This works with LOTR as well.
  6. Artest clearly isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. It's amazing to me how he's stayed in the league for as long as he has. This should shorten the amount of time he has left tho, if not kill it completly, the King's de-activated him or something like that, until he "get's his life together", or some bullshit like that. As far as basketball being boring, I don't understand how you can say so. The league is deffinatly trying to market individuals, because well it works. Look @ what Football has been doing for, who knows how long (granted it's still a team game no disputing this). It's not basketball's fault you can't name an entire roster, that's yours and If you aint intrested that's fine, but to say the sport is washed up or done is pretty stupid.
  7. " Did anyone else get the vibe that the movie was a really long, good, army recruitment movie?" It's funny, I was thinking that to, but at the same time I didn't want to upset the mood of the movie. Which was fucking amazing. I seen this last night, went to Loews on 62nd street, tried to see this bad boy in IMAX, but that was sold out until MONDAY! Which sucks but oh-well. This movie was one of if not the best movie i've ever seen. The music was perfect, the fight scenes were amazing, and the amount of quotes you can steal from this movie was ENDLESSS....
  8. Seriously, what the fuck is with complaining about the faces. I voted for the kittty face.
  9. they aint toddler's but it's still fucked up.
  10. had a parade for st pat's on sunday, was hammered @ 11 am plannin on doing something similar in the city(ny) on the 17thhh
  11. WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW what an awkward pause that shit is HILARIOUS. i dont understand like this don't lose they're position's.
  12. do you know how many people have pushed the "XTC" crew, that aren't down. im pretty sure XTC is a crew name that is about as popular as THC.
  13. i actually agree with dawood here. would still like to see ron paul or john edwards in office
  14. I like both Ron Paul, and John Edwards. I couldn't go down the entire list, and name every face, but I could most, same goes with the issues and where they lay with those issues, but I could also tell you I could careless for most of their opinions. I doubt we'll see either John Edwards or Ron Paul in office in 2008 but It would sure be nice. I'll say this tho, if Hilary or Rudy make it to office, we're fucked. (along with a few others i'm sure.)
  15. every verse this man spit was fire, too many to quote em all. i won't say he's under rated, because anyone who's listened knows how nasty this man is, problem is he's over looked, like so many others. seriously wish he was still around, along with a few other's hip-hop wouldn't be what it is now.
  16. you can't seriously be asking this question, or can you? :confused:
  17. Re: The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread PK has been puttin in work for years...doubt it was disrespectful at all.
  18. Re: The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread i've bitten off rime, who hasn't? hes one of the best to do this thing called graff... all writers "bite" get the fuck over it.
  19. Re: The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread those aids kids can peice, but there hands need some workk.
  20. Re: The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread JERSEY BRINGS THE HEAT, THAT LAST SHARK IS FIRE.
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