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Everything posted by NeRVe54

  1. wouldnt the metal from the screw on the bulb blow it up? and is there a thread for funny videos? cause if not, how bout it?
  2. Re: IM Irish hahaha. nah im american. unfortunately.
  3. Re: IM Irish real irish, as in my ancestors come from ireland, freak
  4. i seen that video today to. sorry for the bum thread, but at least i didnt post the tom cruise squirt video..... can i pleeeease??
  5. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2505562613673847107&q=grapes&hl=en link should work
  6. pffffft your the titty two-shoes... i never even seen that shit. thanks
  7. it sucks to know youve surrendered in every war you've ever been in, but your a bunch of soccer champions
  8. ^^ HAHAHAHAHA fuckin greaseballs. hey, they never win shit anyway, let em have their soccer game
  9. yeah, what the fuck?!? can we get the grey screen back? whatta we gotta do??
  10. hahahahaha. aids mice are very expensive
  11. NeRVe54


    wait a minute... im the sheriff!
  12. NeRVe54


    i knew someone would say that. im calling the cops
  13. fuck this shit. my whole italian ass city is going crazy right now, cops and ambulances and everything got their fuckin sirens going. everyones stillll honking... i hope it really is an emergence. fuckers! and im irish.
  14. ehhh, yeah maybe. kinda cheesy jokes, but maybe.... now the tom cruise squirt video?? THAT was funny
  15. NeRVe54


    i gotta read/see hitchhikers guide now
  16. hahaha. i always wanted to see that in real life.
  17. cut their breaklines. next time they try to park there, well, you know.
  18. NeRVe54


    good old bestiality...
  19. NeRVe54


    if someone threatened to kill my mom... well that would be enough to set me into fuck their shit up mode, and calling the cops wouldnt in my bag of tricks... not even "threatening" to call the cops. sorry.
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