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Everything posted by EnimeeOne

  1. You might get the shits due to excessive vitimin c. Chances are the shit you drank wasnt real orange juice anyway so you got nothing to worry about.. Next question?
  2. possibly one time in 5 I hear it power for 30 seconds or so. Its an set as a slave (no OS on it) therefore the computer boots fine, and as far as I know Bios would not be affected. At the moment I am using it via an external case plugged into the USB port. But like I said, when I plugged it in to the other computer (both via USB and IDE) the results where the same.
  3. nah mate I havent, probly because I dont know what that is:P
  4. The beep decoder I read basicly said this; Its fucked, try detect it in Bios, if it cant be detected there then its really fucked. It also says the HD itself has no speakers so it cant be the thing beeping, but every thing else I have plugged it into makes the exact same tones. Yeah I have checked cables, and tried it on various computers. Ill have a go with that program. Thanks fellas.
  5. My Maxtor 120gig Hard Drive just died the other day, It cannot be detected in Bios and when its powered up it gives an 8 or 9 tone beep code. Since Im a dumb ass and didnt back any of this info up, does anyone know some way to retrieve any of the data. Im a little hesitant about taking it to a technician since I have photos of thousands of counts of my own criminal damage on there. Any help?
  6. Eastern Europe for seeing things rolling. Stockholm for the best looking subway in the world.
  7. Its true, some of those German panels are increadable!
  8. I just got some good ones. Jolly rogers cookbook (an updated v of the anarchists cookbook) Some navy seals training guide. A book on Guerilla tactics by Che Guavara plus a whole bunch of other books advocating miscreant behaviour.
  9. Sarcasm I hope, otherwise el homo for real.
  10. 60 odd? Who knows. For the dudes that can name all the girls they have smashed, your either gay, lying or dont drink.
  11. You trendy art faggot fucks make me sick! If I get over to Perth this year I will piss on everyone of your pieces I find and post the evidence.
  12. All the laws relative to your state and this situation should be listed online somwhere. Use Google to find them and also get a lawyer. If the laws are similar to Australia/England what the bouncers have done in this case is place you under a citizens arrest. This is something ANYONE can do, but there must be just cause , otherwise the arrester can be charged with 'deprivation of liberty' which is no light weight charge, almost on par with kidnapping. Personaly I wouldnt get your hopes up too high about making money from the case, unless you want to invest ALOT of time and money into your lawyer, time off work, etc.. The fact that you where arrested by the police that night will work against you. It means they had a reasonable beleif that the bouncers actions where justified. Although, I thinkunless you do something REAALLLY stupid you have about 98.572% chance of beating the graffiti charge. I would personaly be happy with that result. Remember as innocent your crime is, it is still a crime , you choose deal with potential consequences everytime you commit the crime. My advise; regarding the police beat the charge. Regarding the bouncers , cop it sweet. my 3and a half cents.
  13. This thread is Quality!
  14. i did have one but it only works if you are in the UK there are non that i know of that will run on the Firefox kernal all online virus scan are based upon active x which is microsoft this is the link to i t http://uk.trendmicro-europe.com/consumer/h...call_launch.php Quoted post [/b] Champ.. thanks matey
  15. Does anyone know a online virus scanner that works for mozilla firefox?
  16. Jeez bro, alittle harsh? I dont really give a fuck. I just gave my opinion. It spins me out because; hypertheticly they do meet them, and say what? give them a pat on the back? or try to forge a friendship based on how cool there graffiti is? You think Im trying to sound 'cool' by talking about travelling? I was mentioning it as a cool thing to do with the social side of this lifestyle.. Trying to relate, Comprende? By no means do I paint with the 'kewlest graffers ever' hahaha. This is definatly not a concern for me. I dont care if these people are famous or not. Relax.
  17. Seriously though.. Why would you want to meet these people? As if anyone in your 'writers I would love to meet' would give a fuck. Most of the hardest writers are social misfits anyway, hence the fact they spend so much time doing this shit. I think its great that I can go to almost any country in the world, armed with an email address or a phone number and a few tins of paint, rock a train or 2 and make a few new friends. Thats cool, but seeking people out to give them a high 5 or somthing is not what im into at all!
  18. I would meet me, and ask myself; "Why the fuck do you continue to endanger yourself , risk big fines and jail sentances and loose lots and lots of sleep to write your name on shit that isnt yours?"
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