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screaming hand logo

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Everything posted by screaming hand logo

  1. saying hella makes california look hella bad
  2. ch0 once again starts my day off good
  3. some real scraputo rap songs u dig mexicants? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvM6zrkU35Y
  4. i dont trust either party of our government or anyone in it. so signing my life to be in their hands certainly isnt my cup of tea. and it really isn't like a "job", when i quit my job i dont get court marshaled. im totally not patriotic dudes. /nohippynoliberal
  5. hey mts the guys that went over all the old mobies and hypes!!!
  6. yo schizophrenic send me a pm if its okay for white people to say "nigga" aye thanks nigga
  7. shout out to idle for leaving 15 plus cans scattered all over at the yard. high five
  8. i was gonna name my thread your thread backwards then i got dizzy
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