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Everything posted by craig

  1. I fucks with Bitwarden. Does the job and is free.
  2. Yeah thanks, I have a sata/usb adaptor somewhere from when i had to rescue a hard drive from a broken laptop before. I think I will get back in to using my desktop more and have that as main storage device backed up to iCloud. My laptop can store a lesser amount of stuff and I can survive without having every file on every device at all times. I do have homebrew from trying something a while ago. Hacking the Switch maybe. I have definitely installed a whole load of stuff via the terminal without checking properly what it is and whilst being slightly terrified it could be something malicious.
  3. Lol yeah nerd bragging and torrent hoarding sounds about right. One of the key considerations was the fact that my 11 year old laptop is on it's last legs and liked the idea of potentially getting something with a smallish SSD but that had access to all of my stuff & unlimited storage. I (used to) take a lot of photo and videos and there a lot of things I want to keep forever and add to without maxing out my HD storage.
  4. Looks like fun and guess there is a lot of other stuff you can do with the board once you’re done..? I assume your regular computer can’t be figured to behave like a given piece of hardware as easily as a FPGA can? On a separate note, what do you do for data storage/back up? I looked into setting up a synology NAS a while ago but it would have ended up costing way more money than using a cloud service, and without the benefit of offsite back up. Although I still like the idea of setting one up one day.
  5. This looks cool. I enjoy the analysis part of my day job and am slowly trying to develop my data skills but haven't got to pandas or matplotlib yet. I think this is probably too advanced for my current level but will give it a go..
  6. Thanks, understood. I guess git comes into it's own once you're actually developing stuff. I dumped one of the CSV's into google maps and it populated, which is cool! Obviously this way is is quite straight forward. How else would you think think about displaying the data? I know excel and Power Bi have some map functions but don't know how well they would do with this kind of thing.
  7. Appreciate you doing this... So I have git already installed (Mac OS)... I pasted the clone code into terminal and it cloned. I have some very very basic Terminal navigation skills so I can see the files are there. Is there any advantage to using Git here over just saving the files via web browser?
  8. Personal strategy: I try and stack mostly eth and btc. and then have about 20% in lower cap coins and one or two gambles. I then consolidate profit from these into eth/btc after a surge. The logic being historically a lot of the alts and lower caps just don’t survive long term. Re: Shib It’s always good to take some profits during the euphoria stage. SHIB just did 1m% or whatever so I would move at least some of it to something less volatile. If you think there’s more mileage in it, leave some in, but it’s always good to reduce your risk of total wipeout.
  9. @misteraven I’m assuming this is similar to Monero… I considered buying some Monero a while ago as felt like an obvious direction for people to head in. Once you have someone’s wallet address, and unless everyone regularly changes their wallet address, surely a simple look up will tell you a list of all the places they have shopped at.
  10. Because Robinhood hold the keys and cooperate with the government.
  11. Just picked up some more ankr, trying to get a bit of Nu. I have about 50% of my modest net worth in crypto currency. Tempted to take some more out of my index tracker and buy more crypto but not sure that’s wise.
  12. Thanks for the advice, really appreciated. I feel like my brain leans well towards learning this shit. I’ll get reading and sign up to Linux academy right after I’ve finished this Udemy course. The investment should pay for itself in time... What would your path be after getting certified in those areas? im still very much a beginner but eager to learn. I’ve already seen how just bringing some basic level shit can quickly revolutionise things at work whether it’s data analysis, admin work efficiency or finance reporting and management etc. Sky is the limit.
  13. Jesus I can’t believe how oldskool footage from 2012 looks now. Awesome watch. It’s so hard to sift through most of the bullshit on YouTube.
  14. I ended up doing exactly that earlier and planning to just dca in from here on - thanks
  15. Man I’ve got serious BTC fomo but feels like madness to buy right now.
  16. Yeah it was good whilst it lasted! Leglocks were fine as no one gets crushed. I think I accidentally put a triangle on too hard once and that was the end of it haha. I can’t see contact sparring at my gym being allowed for another 3-6 months. UK rates are on the rise and the space is owned by a big corporate gym and they will be setting the rules. I really need to get back into some sort of exercise and stretching routine. I now work from home and barely even leave the house these days.
  17. This journey is wild. I bought a small amount of Bitcoin a few weeks ago at $15k thinking I’d missed the boat. Now $15k is looking like a steal. Waiting for a dip and just it goes from ATH to new ATH.
  18. yeah I’d consider this if it was only a month or so but we’re at 9 months now. I did manage to drill half of danahers leglock dvd on my girlfriend before she lost interest lol
  19. My gym has been closed since March. I’ve pretty much given up on trying to train at home or study video etc as without regular training it feels like a wasted effort. Just going to focus my free time elsewhere until this blows over. 😞
  20. Misguided noob here... I’ve got a friend who was/still is a believer in XRP. i could cut my losses but for the sake of $200 I might just leave it and pray.
  21. 175 countries, four billion dollars, one scam: the inside story of the world’s biggest crypto con and the woman who got away with it. I'm halfway through this... The story is absolutely insane.
  22. Yeah my bad... I'm only a few days into crypto but invested £1000 last week after reading this thread and the one in Jekyll Island. Split across BTC, ETH and XRP. I suppose my question is why would you leave your currency sitting in a wallet when you could loan it and receive interest (and withdraw at anytime)?
  23. @MercerI realise how much my post looks like a spambot but it's a genuine question!
  24. Anyone use Nexo? https://nexo.io/earn-crypto They will pay minimum 5% interest on your currency you loan them. I feel like there must be a catch somewhere but seems like a no brainer. Edit: wow I reset my password and now it's changed my username and lost my post history. I'm not new here btw. Been lurking since 04.
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