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Mr. Chad

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Everything posted by Mr. Chad

  1. she came over to ask to get something and it escalades to sex Quoted post
  2. when i went to dc the graff scene was pretty legitimate
  3. could this thread get back to normal
  4. god that second one is horrrible
  5. i havent sketched anything in about tow months but here ya go.
  6. Bane dont listen to arpse. Thats not good i cant even make out letters. You need to start off with simple letters like the ones on your keyboards or the letters in advertisements.
  7. oh, snap. :haha: :haha: Quoted post [/b] that would be funny if it ended up bein the same guy like 2 years later.
  8. are you kidding. that shit would last for ever if all you do is two colored fills. A can of black and a can of white can give u up to 3 fills.
  9. are you kidding. that shit would last for ever if all you do is two colored fills. A can of black and a can of white can give u up to 3 fills.
  10. ^^ that shit is really funny^^
  11. menace ur from chicago? i thought they banned the sales of paint there? how do u get it?
  12. ok i wanna be involved in a battle sumeone give me a heads up
  13. did u really do thse or did u bite off of some graffiti font.
  14. THE WRITERS FORUM's purpose is to establish community among like-minded individuals. Any repeated attempts to disrupt the flow of community on our boards will result in having your posting priveleges revoked and your IP information blocked to avoid any further disruptions. The following is a general list of rules for THE WRITERS FORUM. If you intend to participate on our boards, we'll expect you to follow them explicitly.
  15. Mr. Chad


    wtf please explain haha
  16. i wonder if theres catholics who really think like that.
  17. this is a pic of a staged drunk driving accident they do at highschools before prom time... i remember they came to my highschool.. shit was nuts. they played a recorded 9-1-1 tape over the loudspeakers and had all the ambulences, figherfighters, and police out in the streets. they even set off an grip of m80's or something to create the sound of a huge car crash. it was disturbing or it can be real, and that would suck Quoted post [/b] that pic is way to clean and perfect to be real. It was taken by a proffesional that shit is deffinetely staged im sure for a example to kids to make them not drink and drive.
  18. i bet u got started on graffitit from tony hawk hahaha! :haha:
  19. Please Stop :haha: :haha: :haha: Quoted post [/b] thats not even his character.
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