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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. want to exchange driver and if so..wat do u want me to write for u/?
  2. amoeba..ur shits always dope bro..and ur always coming through with ill color schemes.
  3. wentoverboard on the arrows. nice stuff, some sketchs from summer classes that i have to take...im sick and tired of my stuff.
  4. angry tc ass niggas...this nigga gets 43Cent scoops at 43cents a scoop day at baskin robbins...cuz he steals it.asss nigga
  5. as complex as that is i can actually see ur letters so props to u.
  6. i had by fair share of arguements with mouth..but i dunno wat he said wrong in the above post...it was actually postive feedbakc.
  7. .u shud really play around with other letters that looks good flows nicely
  8. for des...by book was 2 big for the scanner..so i mspainted 3 diff scans together...lol
  9. the extensions are wierd and the letters widths are wierd at places but its a real good start bro keep it up.
  10. thats a standard Z..i dont think it was bitten
  11. looks dope but i feel like somethinsg missing?
  12. very true page good posts .......minus the fact there are no flics..but alas im contributing the the ranting. There are a ton of things wrong with the toy thread, 1. Its not what it used to be..back in the day when i signd up...legit writers did come here and help ppl out..i cant thank them enough really helped me out...12 oz srsly goes through phases. 2. yea this thread is basically toys criting toys..ppl who dont know wat the fuck they are talking abt do call stuff dope ignorantly...but on the flip side a good piece is a good peice and a bad peice is a bad peice ...so it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out wats good or bad abt soemthing 3. some pppl dont listen to what others have to say..and cuz of that are stuck in terms of progress of course some are not 4. some of the ppl giving crits are hypocrits and needa listen to their own advice.. in the end it is up to you to do ur own thing ...if u wanna listen or not.. .there are really dope ppl here obviously like Alts..who gives great advice... ..default advice always is start simple....and work ur way up..its called evolution....regardless of if wanna ppl here it or not..there is no quick fix.. and my elite member status means my e-penis is bigger than urs..:P i keed i keed...it just means i waste to much time here..internets really gay nowadays
  13. Im finally done..ive decided to stop and send these to their respectvie locations...im done with the stickie game oh yea disregard the bed..
  14. dude all of my sketchs have the same general structure...it juts means uve built the foundation now just fuck around .and experiment.... inked in. not gonns colour
  15. like ive said before shaken..yea bro...as soon as u got the extensions figured out..ur stuffs gonna be nice..just stuff like the extensions coming ouutta the 0 and the disconnected 7 bit are kinda wierd....one u get the hang of extensions it will come more fluidly...so basically do wat ur doing and experiment.
  16. dude i gotta wake up at 8 i dunno wat the fuck i was thinking today..
  17. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear gf. f u, freak
  18. phere also connect the disconnect found in the P..dont make the letters blend into each other rather go ontop of or bellow the other...space out, experiment lenghts and widths. anouther rough sketch....after several attempts for a decent wild..got this...dont like it 2 much tho
  19. phere dude...ur letters really have potential....i wud suggest maybe trying the same letters except elongating them..and fuking around with spaceing....and a dang!! meska u got to paint with the dude.!!no fair!im moving to nc. :P some color to the thread
  20. Gates i like the char..the t would look better right side up..the 3ds good more or less. parts of the left side of the G seem too wide compared to other parts.. define i like where ur going with the second one from the bottom
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