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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. nice stuff kele. came out nice. for teh bs battle..im taking the middle one/?
  2. try fuxing with letter widths ie tall skinny versions of that...also the P anr R look wierd with the disconnection.
  3. i guess im stupid but 1s better but in general both arent so hot.
  4. if imnot mistaken does that say rape?
  5. sure ur simples are still off a bit..ie work on ur consistency..the s's widths differnt than the Rs widths;. also the right bar of the U tilts towards the left/
  6. ive ruined so much ofmy shit by randomly starting to color it...the copy ideas good to fux around with
  7. wow phet ease up bruh.....srsly tho..work on simps till ur hands fall off...and tehn go back to wat u were doing. itll help out....or atleast do both simultaneously if thats 2 broing.
  8. i like ur fills and executions but ur letters dont correspond to your name. try simples.
  9. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear oontz.. i got shot 3 times yesterday...difficult times living in jamaica......anyways they were just vaccinations but they really hurt :mad: fuking tetanus, hep b, and ppd freak
  10. ye definately a very good movie..funny how the black guys the last one to die
  11. lol i saw it here first to..i think it means when u move up a sketch to the next page..kinda so ppl can see it? i got the general idea that some ppl also use it here to mean sick /cool /nice
  12. just saw pelham 123..it was kinda a comedy ? i mean the dialogues very humorous for an action movie....anyways..it was a generic action movie....and i was in the mood for one..so i liked it..it wasnt spectacular.
  13. Sounds good....let this be known that this is the tc toy thread..use it when u have beef or want suggestions etc...assuming other niggas are there? this can work but it prob wont.i just thought it wud be a good idea.
  14. secret sipper.its easy to tell who did what btw.
  15. dude im srsly just getting a blank..i know wat ur talking about but its just not there for me atleast.. id unno if others see it.
  16. repost it dude..i duno if the pics u posted actually showed up.
  17. yea the chars are dope.. sick latex.
  18. ruckus just finished the collab that imma send back to u.. also on a side note..fuck bomin science..i guess i dont know my own skill level..tehy placed me in a super toy tier battle..and im losing!!!!:( dont mean to sound cocky..but when u see the other stuff...dang. ok i gotta an idea..tell me wat u fellas think....we should have a Tinychat room devoted to the toy thread..tehres already an official 12oz one..but i mean a toy specific one would be prudent sometimes...cuz we cud crit and talk about shit more effectively...and handle beef etc...easily...
  19. i like the consistency onthe egcyst.
  20. woa! minus the Char(which is funny tho) the backgrounds solid dude. how the hell did u do the red part..fukin marker control!! lol...and u will have ur sticks soon! i am ridiculously sorry...been a weird transition gradutaing...
  21. this nigga licks his lips thinking its cool to be cool like llcool j ass nigga
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