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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. fooling around with graffstudio
  2. holy shit sale...respect... looked at ur post history and uve fuking improved after that 12oz hiatus u took...good shit dude
  3. just colored something old in my bbook. sale im not sure how i feel abt those banner like extensions
  4. eh..i dont think im battling anymore..no point to losing all the time....i guess ill go on my exchanging rampage again...whcih i find more profitable.
  5. the thing with that one is that the thickness's are not consistent.* + have a uniform structure...everythings formulaic so once u get the hang of it ull improve..
  6. did this real quick for a 3d battle with purp says DORK
  7. yo q u can start the polling for this battle with purple.
  8. the 3d is awkward cus of teh overlapping
  9. dudes is that the same shin that also writes atoke...negrow never hooked me up with my exchange..
  10. lol wud that count as a 1-on 1 fight then? that dork is ill purp..im gonna try my hardest dunt think ill wintho... will have something by midnite tho.
  11. thats the spirit do ur own thing... anyways you fellers check out channel 0,, alot of effing hilarious shit in that
  12. yo purp homie me and u 3d battle?
  13. for battle with Q....chose to submit the bottom one.
  14. Q for battle. looks dope..liked urs 2 tho purp here my entry for carbon
  15. o word..aite ...then in terms of that teh first one is better.
  16. i feel like the extensions drown out the letters..i cant read it.. that purge is dope sale..keep doing ur thing.
  17. 1st ones better for each except the last one.
  18. me neither...i really cant think. i jsut finished playing needfrospeed carbon thats why...i chose it.
  19. um ...wow picking a word is serious business..cant think.... word... is carbon tomm 12 midnite?
  20. lol i was just abt 2 post that i wanted to 1on1 some1 im down bro... as long as its a peice...wats the wrod?
  21. q def won the last one..this one was tyte but i have to say keeping
  22. like pics 3 and 10.nim...anyways how many bbooks have u guys used up....i only got a blackbook last summer...and i still have a good 8 pgs left....i usually sketch shit on lined paper and put good stuff on my blackbook......wta do u guys do.... yo sank....if its ok with u cna i send my book 2 u and park to hit up.
  23. nigga pulleed an optick.(keeping secrets)
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