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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. I think the judge decided this kid was not guilty long ago.
  2. I honestly can’t tell if he’s playing the part or genuinely getting that worked up, but i’ll give him the benefit of the doubt here.. SO… this is EXACTLY why his little punk ass had no business being where he was, doing what he was doing. He is a fucking child. It’s real fucking easy to talk the talk and be a big man running around with a gun until you smoke 2 people and it’s time to take the stand and answer for it.
  3. Or it could be that you’re stating things that are factually incorrect because you have no medical education and are taking conspiracy theories at face value.
  4. abrasivesaint


    Checks out. He pulled you over for faking the funk and being a city slicker computer nerd that apparently drives a big long diesel to haul all his keyboards. What combination of US, Blue Line, Gadsden flag you fly? All 3? You change em out? You ain't a rancher bruh, knock it off. (We like to have fun around here.) (edit: for the record i’m not bashing you for being a computer nerd, i’m just joking. At face value the big diesel does seem excessive though, haha.)
  5. Oh knock it off. If he wanted to execute him he would have ran up shooting. Dont start Dhabz-ing.
  6. It’s just rather convenient that it’s the California “libtard” governor they love to hate. I don’t give a fuck about Newsom whatsoever, it’s just hilariously convenient and seems obvious that these articles are taking the opportunity to turn the dudes radio silence into viewership for their sites.
  7. abrasivesaint


  8. The illegal possession of a firearm would bury a black man. I mean, look at the finger pointing happening with Gaige’s illegally possessed firearm. Completely disregarding Rittenhouse’s illegally possessed firearm, that he killed 2 people with, after he went looking for a fight, and found it.
  9. I’m well aware that Rosenbaum was arrested previously. However, it’s not like an episode of Black Mirror where your criminal convictions hang over your head at all times. Rittenhouse had no way of knowing that. His information had been blasted in an old thread a while ago, in fact, i think i was the one who posted it, but i could be mistaken. Also, Dhabz called Gaige a felon, which he is not. That is what we were talking about.
  10. Dude. You’re coming around after a hiatus throwing accusations, slurs, name calling, stating flagrantly false shit.. i’m simply calling you on your bullshit, as i said long ago that i always would. If you’re going to make claims about people being rapists, felons, ect.. you better have the proof to back it up. Ever go over the speed limit? That’s breaking the law, and a crime. Ever buy and smoke weed bro? That’s still a crime in many states. Graffiti? Crime. May all us criminals and every criminal you know rest in piss under the authoritarian boot you’re kissing.
  11. Gun charge: https://wcca.wicourts.gov/caseDetail.html?caseNo=2016CM001014&countyNo=40&index=0&mode=details DUI accusation: https://wcca.wicourts.gov/caseDetail.html?caseNo=2021CT000032&countyNo=40&index=0&mode=details Ordinance violation: https://wcca.wicourts.gov/caseDetail.html?caseNo=2019FO000470&countyNo=2&index=0&mode=details You should take the advice of @lord_casekand start by searching police records before you parrot false talking points from your shmegma sources of choice. edit: @Dirty_habiT
  12. 1.) He pointed his gun at Rittenhouse after he had already shot Huber, he’s lucky Gaige didnt just smoke him on the spot. Clearly he had the chance to, and he didn’t. A good lawyer could and should argue this. However, it probably won’t matter. 2.) Neither one of them were supposed to have firearms. They both were possessing firearms illegally. 3.) He’s not a felon.
  13. 1.) All of this is irrelevant to the question you dodged about having proof that they were burning and looting. 2.) i get my information from a variety of sources. Left, right, far left, far right, center, international. 3.) I form my own opinions. I pledge no allegiance to a political party in the USA. El. Oh. El. The MAGA crowd has been throwing a tantrum since day 1. Kettle meet black.
  14. When John Deere workers and Gamestop stock holders have bigger balls on holding a line than Democratic politicians.
  15. https://news.yahoo.com/john-deere-workers-reject-tentative-022342224.html
  16. If Kyle wasn’t illegally carrying a rifle (edit: at a riot) he wouldn’t have met the victims. Show me proof they were burning and looting. I was in Seattle for all of this mess. I didn’t burn or loot a single thing.
  17. Rittenhouse. Rifle. Under 18. Illegal. It is possible for both parties involved to be committing a crime despite your personal desires.
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